

Why do some dogs tolerate chocolate?

Updated: 11/11/2022
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7y ago

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Chocolate is NEVER good for dogs, but sometimes it's not bad enough to be noticed. It's all about the size of the dog, the type and the amount of chocolate it has eaten. Dark Chocolate, small dog - doesn't take much to be dangerous.

Big dog, Milk Chocolate - not that dangerous.

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Q: Why do some dogs tolerate chocolate?
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Dogs should not eat ANY chocolate. While some dogs tolerate it fine, others may have serious, and possibly life-threatening issues with it.

Are there some chocolates for dogs?

No but some dogs can eat chocolate and digest it.

Why is chocololate bad for dogs?

Consumption of chocolate by some dogs is potentially fatal, due to the chemical composition of chocolate.

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No. Dogs should never be given chocolate. Chocolate can incite sevvere allergic reactions in some dogs, and can be life threatening.

Which dogs can not have chocolate?

All of them. The problem with chocolate is that it contains a substance known as theobromine, and this substance is toxic to dogs but not to humans. For more information, see Related Questions, below.

Are all animals allergic to chocolate?

Dogs are not allergic to chocolate, but some dogs cannot metabolize it and it can kill them. Just to be safe, NO dog should ever be given chocolate. Some dogs find some and eat it and live, but you never know if your dog might be one that dies from it.Well, they arent allergic to chocolate, chocolate is like a poison to them. if you want to feed your dog chocolate because you are eating some and he looks like he wants some its because he THINKS its a treat but its not. so dont feed it to him/her.

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Chocolate may kill dogs.

What does chocolate do to a dog's health and why?

Chocolate is toxic to dogs and can cause the dog to die. This is because dogs are very sensitive to a toxin in chocolate called theobromine. Incidentally, this is also toxic to humans, but there isn't enough in most chocolates to cause a problem for humans. Theobromine is related to caffeine and is a stimulant. In dogs it can cause heart arrhythmias and heart palpatations, which can lead to death.

Is semi sweet chocolate bad for medium dogs?

YES because all chocolate is bad for all dogs unless you invented chocolate for dogs.

Can dogs have cantelope?

Yes. Dogs can have cantalope, but they cannot have grapes, raisens, onions or chocolate, and some other things.

How can some dogs eat chocolate without effect?

Chocolate is made from cocoa and cocoa beans contain caffeine and a related chemical called theobromine. This chemical can induce hyperactivity, tremors, high blood pressure. rapid heart beat and respiratory failure. The chemical is also toxic to cats

Why does chocolate kill dogs and puppies?

Chocolate has an ingredient in it that is toxic to dogs and puppies. Please DO NOT feed chocolate to them. It does not instantly kill them, but hurts the liver and kidneys and eventually this will kill them.