

Best Answer

You tell me! there are some sick, twisted people out there!!! it's just so sad to think that some people have a heart that cold. D-: I'm 12 and I've rescued 7 abused cats and 4 abused dogs from animal shelters. Thank God that there are some people like you and me who actually want to make a difference!

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Q: Why do some idiots get pleasure out of torturing animals and leave them to die until thank god animal shelters rescue them?
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Related questions

Are animal shelters good?

animal shelters are wonderul and there great for homless animals that dont have a home i love it

How can you protect animals shelters?

you can protect animal shelters by giving money donations

Do animals in animal shelters get regular exercise?

Sometimes they do, but in cruel animal shelters they don't.

Who does animal shelters help?

because animal shelters supply food and water and a shelter to the animals, without them, the animals would be in the wild most likely dead.

Are animals taken from animal shelters to be used for animal testing?

They usually breed them just for testing, but sometimes they do get them out of shelters and pounds.

Where are the local animal shelters in Wiltshire, England?

Protecting animals is very important. Where are the local animal shelters in Wiltshire, England?

Do animals get fed at shelters?

Well this depends on the type of animal. Most domesticated animals can be feed in shelters, example are sheeps.

How do shelters treat animals?

Most shelters treat their animals nicely with games,love and treats. It depends on what the shelter does to the animal

Who invented animal shelters?

somebody who liked animals

How many animals die in animal shelters?


How many animals are sent to animal shelters?


Are there animal shelters that only kill dangerous animals?

Yes. All animal shelters have different characteristics. Some will kill old animals, some will kill animals that never get adopted. Some will never exterminate animals!