

Best Answer

Answer 1

Depending on the situation, some terrorists are brainwashed to believe certain things (killing others will get you to heaven, you will survive if you blow up a suicide vest, etc.).

Answer 2

It depends on the particular action performed: violence, corruption, criminality, etc.


Those Muslims who engage in reckless and violent Un-Islamic behavior look at the Qur'an in an attempt to justify their hatreds and anxieties about the world. They read those lines which appeal most to his burning desire to see others in as much pain as he finds himself. He then proceeds to follow the source material to create a justification for his acts which excludes any contrary source material. This results in a biased view of the Qur'an which "entitles" acts that would not actually be entitled.


Usually individuals who are corrupt do not attempt to justify it using the source material at all and merely accept their corruption as a reflection of the economic circumstances. They see it as a way to help themselves and their families, which "should" be allowed by Islam, even though Islam would actually strongly condemn their activities.


Muslims who are criminals and hoodlums often become this way for the same reasons that non-Muslims do: poverty, general disenfrachisment, bad family situations, and moral confusion. These things say more about the state of the particular Islamic Communities where crime is rampant than about Islam as a religion in general.

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Q: Why do some of the Muslims act against the teachings of Islam?
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