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It may be because they are cold. Or they have smurf relations.

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Q: Why do some people's noses look blue?
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No person has skin that is naturally blue in color. Some people with light or pink skin may look blue-skinned when they are very cold, and some ancient tribal peoples painted their skins blue.

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No, not all dogs have black noses. Some dogs have pink noses, or even white. Some dog's noses are black to keep their nose from getting a sunburn.

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just look at some peoples eyes, you'll find out :)

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Do attractive women find men with big noses attractive?

well I think that guys with big noses aree wayyyy more attractive than guys with small offence to those guys..but that's just my oppinion..and I know lots of girls that see it like that..I mean.. look at some of the men in movies.. I think big noses on guys are HOT!! ;))

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Physical characteristics such as nose size are influenced by a combination of genetic factors and natural variation within populations. It is inaccurate to make broad generalizations about a particular group of people based on physical features like nose size. It is important to avoid stereotypes and recognize the diversity within any population.

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Well how do you know ? Some Filipinos hasn't got squishy noses .. And how do you know if they have squishy noses ? have you ever felt one before !?

Do Jews really have big noses?

Not all Jews have big noses. It's just a stereotype that they do. Some have big noses, some have small. It all depends on genetics. People who aren't Jewsih may still have big noses. I don't think there is actual proof that Jews have on average bigger noses than non-Jews.

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No, this is an old wives' tale. Some dogs naturally have dry noses, while others naturally have wet noses.

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Wild America - 1982 Some Feet Have Noses was released on: USA: March 1993

What colors are there of Betta fish?

Red and Blue some may look purple but are really blue

What do a jaguar's feet look like?

The cubs look like very large kittens with large flat noses and black circular rings on their coats. (Their are some photos at the two related links below.)