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Perhaps they were 'strip ping away' what they felt was societal the clothing being a symbol of what society had to offer them. Also maybe at the same time they are saying society is messed up - not trying to be graphic or harsh but doesn't that imagery in your head give you the same cup of tea so to speak ? Not a pretty scenery in short.

As far as her stripping her children naked and walking into traffic same as before it can be taken in a broadened spectrum or looked at as the obvious answer 'just pure insanity'.

I think the answer isn't as much apart of why as apart of how. How are their minds running. What provoked them to do it.

and if Why; Why are there rare cases of suicidal impulses provoked with nudity and stripping of garments.

But only deeper probing and questions can answer this - perhaps probing in correlation to repetitiveness aka insanity is apart of the answer.

How do you define it though when every one goes to work repeatedly on any given day or you eat 3 - 6 meals (6 being the obvious turning 3 into 6 smaller portion meals).

It has a lot to do with how your brain functions - that is a common sense sort of theory wouldn't you say? Hint; outside factors such as sensory cortex, audible and or neurological disorders in general could accompany and compile with the already depressive suicidal tendencies and dementia.

Perhaps it is in correlation to all those things I listed under 'hint'?

Could be as simple a thought as, "I came into this world with nothing, and that's the way I'm going out."

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People who commit suicide never "like" it. At that moment, they just hate their situation more than they hate suicide. They commit suicide as the final and only solution to one or many problems.

Suicide occurs because a person feel and consider (as a deep and certain truth) the fact that they can't overcome a painful situation, and went here isn't to their eyes any good reason to live. Suicide often happen because of a feeling of utter loneliness. Not necessarily socially but on a more interior aspect. The feeling of not being understood, the feeling of being the only one on earth dealing with a issue nobody knows or can even imagine, is one of the reason for suicide. This latter involves teenagers most of the time. What is terrible is that this feeling is usually wrong. The issues met by the teenagers are common and known by a lot of people. Yet they don't find anybody to talk with and eventually they give up.

Suicide hits all the social classes more or less equally but the middle class is more subject to the "lose everything" problem, which cause a lot of suicides.

In some dark teenage mythology, suicide is seen a something beautiful and attractive. It carries the message of suffering, of physical pain and deep melancholy. Diving in this dark universe is a way for a lot of teenagers to deal with their issues and accept them as some kind of burden they finally enjoy being able to deal with.

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