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Yes, it could possibly cause them to be paranoid...

Or have commit suicide.

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13y ago

It can cause depression, which can lead to suicide in some cases.

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Q: Can bullying cause people to have problems?
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Related questions

Does bullying cause health poroblems?

Any stress, including bullying, may cause health problems.

What is worse physical or verbal bullying?

Physical and verbal bullying are both major problems. physical bullying can lead to many problems with health and emotions. verbal bullying can be just as big a toll. if you, your child, or your friend is being bullied, then talk to a teacher, principal or counselor. These people can help find solutions to the bullying problem. Good luck!

What does bullying cause?

It can lead to alot of problems with the victim: losing self esstime depression anything to do with the person problems it can lead to any problems into bigger issues

Do people get bullied?

People get bullied because the bully is jealous of the person who they are bullying or they have mental problems...

Does Facebook cause bullying?

Yes! BIGTIME! People do cyber bullying and sometimes that leads to real life physical bullying. There's Alot of arguing on Facebook everywhere.

How many people kill themselves cause of bullying?

more then a thousand a year

Does bullying cause problems in later year?

yes it does.and when it does the person who got bullied can sometimes die because of stress

What is school problems?

the school isues is that people try to hurt each other and bullying

What harm does bullying do to others?

It can cause people to feel insecure about other people and themselves. People can be left with mental and physical trauma for the rest of their lives; bullying can cause many issues in that person's life, especially if they are young; it is the direct or main cause of many youth suicides and other tragedies. There are many other effects it has on its victims. In sum, bullying is extremely harmful to others in every way.

Does MySpace cause suicide?

It can and in many cases it was, cyber-bullying is horrible, so is any form of bullying. So the Myspace website doesn't really cause suicide it's the people on it that causes suicides.

What parts of a thunderstorms cause PROBLEMS for people?

The Lightning and strong wind can cause people lots of problems. Thunder cause's problems for my little sister she gets scared.

Do friends cause bullying?
