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It's genetic. Perspiration is what makes people cool down. There are many people that don't perspire enough to cool their bodies down enough and they can suffer heat exhaustion. Water is a must and 8 - 8 ounce glasses per day or more if it's extremely hot, with a hat on is most important. Light clothing should be worn (preferably white or other light colors.) Also get a spritzer bottle and fill it with water and then mist your face, arms, legs, etc. This acts as if you are perspiring the way you should and will cool down your body. Also, running cold water on the underneath part of your wrists or putting a cold wash cloth on the back of your neck works wonders. Take a bandanna with you and soak it in water and then put it around your neck. Cowboys use to do this in the old days and probably still do.

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Q: Why do some people handle the heat and others don't?
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i dont no ask other people sorry:(

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No it does not.

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heat, many people die in the desert. not that many places cold enough to kill u from the cold itself. and most people dont know what to do in the heat.

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The handle made of metal will be hotter, since metal conducts heat very well, and wood conducts heat very poorly.

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the people took a break from there work. and go follow my insta love_gachalife you dont have to.