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Animals and people should be treated equally because they are living creatures and deserve respect as well, like how would you like it if ur parents didnt feed you ever or if they never payed attention to you never gave you water nothing, so whoever treats animals unfairly or not the same can suck it and leave, l

Another OpinionThis is a good question. It's hard to imagine a world in which people allow their dogs, cats, pigs, horses, etc. drive the family car, go to college, vote, get their own apartment, etc. Seriously, how can an animal have "rights" when it is unreasonable to expect them to accept "duties"? The two go hand-in-hand; there are no rights without duties or responsibilities.
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Q: Why do some people think animals should be treated equally?
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No, its part of our rights as humans to all be treated equally. It doesn't matter what you did or who you hurt, no one should be treating anyone any differently then how they would want to be treated.