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To keep warm during winter, and so they don't have to find food during the long winter months. It is easier for them to stay inside a burrow and hibernate than to freeze and find food when there isn't any.

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11y ago

Because they can't withstand the cold. Being active in winter would cost more energy than it yielded, also because days are shorter and there's less opportunity for photosynthesis. A hibernating plant, or a seed, has more chance of surviving and living to bloom in spring.

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12y ago

Same reason bears do

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Q: Why do some plants hibernate?
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Usually small rodents, that don't hibernate!

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animals love changes in weather they hibernate .

Do lady bug hibernate?

Some live only for a season, but they do hibernate, or try to. They huddle in masses under bushes, plants, grasses, etc. In colder climates, they will often invade homes in an attempt to stay warm.

Do Yaks hibernate?

Domesticated for centuries, the yak is still found living wild in some parts of its mountain range. With its long, shaggy coat, a yak can survive temperatures as low as - 40"aC (40"af). It grazes on whatever plants are available, including mosses and lichens and can use snow as a source of water. The yak does not hibernate or migrate.

What animals hibernate and why?

Bats, frogs,snakes, ladybugs,amphibians, and turtles. When they hibernate their heart rate, blood pressure, and kidney function go down. They hibernate so they don't freeze to death. Rabbits hibernate also.

What do some animals do in the winter?
