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Well it is like this because at the beginning it just starts so it will not have as much blood and in the middle you will start to get more blood coming. At the end the blood will start to slow down so it will be less blood. If you are worrying about it is completely normal, so there is no problem what so ever.

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Q: Why do some women bleed more then others when they have there period?
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Do you have your period when your on the depo?

All women on depo provera have changes in their bleeding. Some bleed more, and others bleed less. In the early months of use, you may have breakthrough bleeding that goes on for days, weeks, or months. This bleeding decreases over time.

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Some Answer More than some, actually most women who have experienced sex while on their peroids want more of the same each time they bleed and the first week before their period, during their period and the week after their periods they are at their hottests.

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Prawns. Almonds. Mango's.

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Yes it can be normal. But if it lasts more than that I suggest going to a doctor. Some women bleed more when they first start the pill. But then after taking it for a few months their period gets lighter.

Can depo provera cause a missed period?

Everyone who goes on Depo Provera has changes in her bleeding. Some women bleed more, others bleed less. In the first months of use, you may have bleeding or spotting that continues for days, weeks, or months. After the first year of use, some women don't bleed at all. For some women, periods stop much earlier. Because Depo Provera decreases the amount of lining that builds up in the uterus, there's no shedding of that lining (menstruation). After stopping Depo Provera, your period may return right away, or it may take up to 18 months for it to return. The average is 11 months.

Does a dog have to be in heat to conceive?

Yes they do. They give off a scent that attracts Tom cats. It's like women in reverse ..... women have a period (still could get pregnant at this time but more unlikely) and it's before/after the period a woman can get pregnant. Cats get pregnant when they bleed slightly and are in heat.

Should a woman bleed for more than two weeks?

In general, a woman should not bleed for more than two weeks when she is on her period. Even after childbirth the general rule of thumb is that a new mother will bleed for about 2 weeks. However, sometimes her period will last longer than that.

Is it possible to finish your period early?

I believe when you have your period you have to allow it to flow naturally. Most women are 7 days, which is very common and the others are more than likely 5 days. All women are different so you can never determine if your period can be finished early.

Is implantation bleeding more common in smaller women?

No, size has nothing to do with it, and some women have a bleed in one pregnancy and not in another.

What cause nose and mouth to bleed?

Infections, diseases, physically beaten by others, and more.

Can a women get pregnant even if she isn't her on period?

Yes, you can get pregnant at anytime during your cycle, though some times are more likely than others.

Can you bleed during implantation?

If you mean period wise the implant will either not affect your period or it will become heavier/lighter, less/more common :)