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Not everyone adds or reduces weight when using and after stopping the use of Birth Control pills, it depends on an individual hormonal balance. See, these pills contain synthetic female hormones: estrogen and progesterone which alter the functions of your normal body functioning causing your ovaries to be nonfunctional and for that to happen your body under goes quite some changes normally physically and mentally. So, when you stop taking them after being on them for a while, your body has to learn to adjust to using its own hormones which again, causes visible changes like losing or gaining weight and other invisible factors that include your period patterns, anxiety etc. If you seem to be gaining lots of weight after a few weeks of stopping the pill, better get checked by your doctor for better advice.

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Q: Why do some women gain weight after stopping the pill?
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Do birth control pills have an effect in gain weight or loss?

Woman swear by the pill causing weight gain, but the manufactures say it is not so and as many women lose weight as gain while on OCP.

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the pill itself doesn't make you gain weight, but the sleepyness tends to make ppl over eat

Which birth control makes you gain weight?

Women on the birth control pill don't gain any more weight than women who aren't on the pill in controlled studies. (In the US, people are gaining weight at a fast clip, whether or not they use birth control pill). In the original studies of Depo Provera, a third of the women gained, a third lost, and a third stayed the same. If you don't change how you eat or exercise, you wouldn't expect to gain on the shot.

Can you have an increase in your weight after stopping the pill?

If the weight gain was due to the hormones in the pill causing water retention, weight loss will be rapid. If it was due to increased intake of calories, the speed of weight loss will depend on your ability to decrease calories and increase exercise.

How do you reduce weight which increased due to intake of birth control pills?

If the weight gain was due to water retention, a change in pill or stopping pills will result in rapid weight loss. If weight gain was due to increased calories, then only increased exercise and decreased intake will result in weight gain, even if you stop or change pills.

Can not taking sugar pill cause weight gain?

No. Often weight gain is experienced in some women due to the hormone changes caused by birth control pills. It has nothing to do with the sugar pills.

If you begin to take the pill or the patch will you gain weight and how much?

Yes there is a chance of weight gain with the pill, I am not sure about the patch, but I would not doubt it. There is no telling how much you will gain. I believe that the hormones are what makes you gain the weight. I can not guarentee that though.

How soon after stopping the mini pill will you get your period?

some women usually get their period a month to a couple months after stopping the mini pill. 1-3 months!!

You gained weight with taking birth control would you lose weight if you stopped taking it?

BCP have not conclusively be connected to weight gain - as many women lose weight from taking them as gain weight. The same percent on a placebo also gain and lose. If you are one of those women who gained from BCP - changing or stopping the pill should allow you to lose weight by reducing calories sensibly.

Can coming off the pill make you put weight on?

It's been shown to cause weight gain in some women.its quite the opposite. WOmen either gain 1-2 pounds or gain no weight at all.

Is it bad to stay on the pill for too long?

If you have side effects then maybe you should get off the pill. You can gain weight off the pill.

Symptoms of water weight gain?

bloating in the stomach, usually from being on the pill