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Some women havbe very good muscle tone which holds the belly in, some have a small baby and some just seem to hide it away somewhere.

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Q: Why do some women have a small belly even in the second trimester?
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Does a pregnant women produce hcg in the second trimester?

Hcg will be there in the entire pregnancy. The level will be high in the first trimester and will gradually decrease in the third trimester.

When does a pregnant woman's belly button start to stick out?

That very much depends on your body/belly button type, how big you get and when you 'pop'. Some women have their belly buttons pop out as early as 14 weeks! Some women don't have it happen until their third trimester. It also changes; your belly button can pop a bit, and then kind of even out with your belly not seem as big since the belly is huge.

Should i still be vomiting in my second trimester?

each pregnancy is diffrent, some women vomit more then others.

What is the breakdown of what happens in each trimester?

First trimester is the beginning when the developing embryo becomes implanted into the endometrial lining of a woman's uterus. Morning sickness can occur in about seventy percent of all pregnant women and typically improves after the first trimester. Months 4 through 6 of the pregnancy are called the second trimester. Most women feel more energized in this period, and begin to seriously put on weight as the symptoms of morning sickness subside and eventually fade away. Final weight gain takes place in the third trimester, which is the most weight gain throughout the pregnancy. The fetus will be growing the most rapidly during this stage, gaining up to 28g per day. The woman's belly will transform in shape as the belly drops due the the fetus turning in a downward position ready for birth.

How often can pregnant women exercise?

Pregnant women should take care when exercising in all trimesters, to be honest, because all of them come with different risks: First trimester is where the baby is smallest and therefore most vulnerable. There is more risk of miscarriage in this trimester, so women should take care not to do anything overly strenuous Second trimester is where there is a risk of premature birth. Although some babies survive being born in the second trimester, it is risky and many do not survive. So women should take care during exercise in the second trimester to lower the risk of premature birth Third trimester is where there is not so much risk because the baby would survive being born in the third trimester, however, the mother may find it difficult to exercise during this trimester due to back ache, needing to pee more, exhaustion and a large bump. Also, she may find she gets out out breath very easily or gets hot very quickly

Can pregnant women take pliva 334?

In first trimester your Doctor would like to avoid this medication containing Metronidazole. But ifnecessary, it may be given for minimum period. From second trimester, it can be given, without much hesitation.

Why are you so aroused during pregnancy?

It's to do with the pregnancy hormones. Especially during the second trimester, they can make women feel very aroused

Which trimester is physically the most demanding for most pregnant women?

The 3rd tri. because the baby is growing to its full size. It adds more weight to your front and causes back aches. The baby is at its heaviest at this time.

Should Pregnant women should avoid exercise in a supine position until after their first trimester?

false. pregnant women should avoid exercise in the supine position after the first trimester. not until after the first trimester.

When will your belly get hard?

As with everything, this depends on the person. Some women report their stomachs getting firmer toward the end of their first trimester. Most common seems to be stomach hardening at about 18-28 weeks. Other women say their tummy did not get firm until after 30 weeks.

Can your belly get smaller instead of bigger at 15 weeks pregnant?

This ultimately depends on the size of your baby, every pregnancy is different but in most cases a pregnant woman's belly grows from the size of her fist to the size of a watermelon. It does take time to start showing but some woman have been known to at asearly as 10 weeks but most women show within the second trimester

How many pregnant women carry GBS in their vaginas during the last trimester of pregnancy?

Up to 20% of pregnant women carry GBS in their vaginas during the last trimester, with the potential of infecting the fetus during birth.