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Q: Why do stars stars orbit in the center of their galaxies?
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Do the stars orbit the planets or do planets orbit stars?

Moons orbit planets. Planets orbit stars. Some stars orbit other stars, or orbit their mutual center of gravity. Stars orbit the center of the galaxy. Galaxies may orbit the center of the "galactic group".

Do stars orbit the sun?

No, most stars orbit the center of their galaxies. There are many types of star systems. For example, binary stars orbit each other.

How do stars travel in space?

Stars travel in various ways. On the largest scale, the universe expands, and stars move away from each other. On smaller scales, stars are most often part of galaxies and they orbit the center of the galaxy, while the galaxies themselves often are in orbit around a center of gravity of a galactic cluster.

How all galaxies are similar?

they all contain billions of stars that orbit the center of the galaxy. all galaxies are also moving very slow.

Do stars orbit around the sun?

No. The sun is a star like any other; it holds no special place in the galaxy. The stars, including the sun, orbit the center of the galaxy. There are also stars in other galaxies.

What are young galaxy stars that have giant black holes at the center?

It's not "galaxy stars", but galaxies, that have the black holes at their center.All, or most, galaxies have a giant black hole at their center.

Why do stars of galaxy's only orbit black holes in 2 dimensions and never totally in gulf the black hole?

because the black holes that they think are at the center of galaxies most likely have rotation, and the stars around it orbit the black hole somewhat like an accretion disc.

Why are elliptical galaxies brightest towards the center?

The center is crowded with stars, and the number of stars decreases farther out.

What force caused celestial bodies to orbit?

None, the universe came into existence in the Big Bang very slightly spinning and every part of the universe is spinning. When a cloud of matter collapses to form galaxies, stars, solar systems, planets, etc. the local rate of spin increases. This not only makes the bodies themselves spin but it makes planets orbit stars in solar systems, stars and solar systems orbit inside galaxies, galaxies orbiting clusters of galaxies, etc.

A planet and its host star orbit about?

Most stars orbit around the center of a galaxy. Some stars are parts of star clusters; in that case, they will also orbit around the center of the star cluster.

What object in space do not directly orbit the sun?

Planetary satellites, like the moon; other stars, galaxies.

Do the stars or dwarf planets orbit planets?

No. Dwarf planets orbit stars just like planets do. Stars orbit the center of their galaxy. An object orbiting a planet would be a moon.