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Some fish, like beta's, will need air. They have to get oxygen every once in a while. For lack of oxygen in the water, you might want to consider activated carbon rock pouches in to your filtration system, or connect an air pump and air stone in your tank. air pumps and stones do not oxygenate water, that is an old myth. a bubble moving to the surface only causes water movement, in order to get more oxygen in water you must either have live plants or some sort of waterfall that will break the surface tension dragging air in and allowing expelled gasses to be released at the same time, carbon is a good idea it will grab the excess nutrients that are using the existing oxygen. air pumps and stones do oxygenate the water by moving the surface of the water allowing gas exchange.

The circulation of water from bottom to top in the tank is what causes most of the oxygenation.

Another reason may be water temperature, If you have a large tank, and the bottom of the tank's water is colder then the top, your fish may require a level of heating in the water. I.E. Tropical Fish Tank.

its better to clean the water and add a lil plant from pets at home. or it can be coz they need oxygen or because they're trying to escape from something in the tank, aka ammonia or a different desiese. i could be because they are eating small particles of dust at the top.

Read more: Why_are_all_your_fish_swimming_at_the_top_of_the_tank_if_the_ammonia_and_nitrate_levels_are_ok

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So they can breathe obviously

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Q: Why do tadpoles always swim to the top of water?
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I have got some tadpoles how do you look after them?

I am an expert on frogs and tadpoles. This is how to look after tadpoles: Don't give the tadpoles tap water because in that water there are 2 chemicals ( Fluoride and Chlorine ) that kill the tadpoles. So you should use either rain water or water from the creek/pond/river you got them from. If you want to use tap water, leave it out in full sunlight for 7 days. The chlorine and fluoride will evaporate. Tadpoles like to eat boiled lettuce that has been boiled for about 15 minutes. They also like to eat bread crumbs and fish food. Tadpoles grow faster in warm water. In cold water, they will still grow, but they will grow slower. When the tadpoles develop legs, put about 2 or 3 rocks( Depends on how many tadpoles you have) in the container. Put something on the top of the cointainer ( prefeably some sort of mesh ) so the froglets don't jump out. If you are interested about frogs and tadpoles and need some tadpole/ frog questions answered please contact me and send your questions to

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What do tadpoles use to get air?

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