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If you have ever been to a museum in Europe, you will no doubt have seen the knight's armor that is usually displayed. Knights were the fearsome warriors of the time, sent out to fight for their country and religion. Whether their battles were justified is not relevant to this discussion, what IS relevant is the size of the knights. Most were UNDER 5'6"... and they were considered fierce warriors. Today's fierce men are over 6ft tall. If I walked into a room full of knights from that era, even the most fierce would consider me to be a giant, yet in today's society, I'm just a little over average height. That is an example of evolution. The human species has evolved over the last couple hundred thousand years. It's the same with the animals. They adapt to fit a niche. It doesn't really matter what your religious beliefs are, evolution is real. Examples of evolution are everywhere if you'll just look. But if you insist on sticking your fingers in your ears and shouting, just so that you don't have to hear it, that's your choice. The God I believe in didn't expect his creations to remain static. The God I believe in wants us all to make ourselves better. Hopefully my children are better than me. Hopefully they will be smarter and able to make better decisions. Over the ages, organized religion has demonstrated an abysmal history in their decision making. Through the history of the human species, most wars and killings have been in the name of religion. We still have wars, and the one that is going on now is a fine example of another religious war, fought in the name of their silly, ineffectual moon god. If decisions were made on the basis of logic and reasoning, the species would be able to improve itself, perhaps the way that God would want it. Remember that it is the religious leaders of the radical sects who encourage superstitious behavior.


Science teachers have to teach science. Evolution is one aspect of science and is taught if it is in the curriculum. Religious teachers teach religion. For some people, creationism is one aspect of religion and it is taught if it is in the relevant curriculum. Answer Evolution is a fundamental part of Biology and is required for a detailed understanding of life on earth.

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Science teachers have to teach science. Evolution is one aspect of science and is taught if it is in the curriculum. Religious teachers teach religion. For some people, creationism is one aspect of religion and it is taught if it is in the relevant curriculum.

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