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There are several reasons for this, and they're not necessarily limited to teenagers.

Lots of teenagers are active at varying levels. So after going for a jog through town, a glass of milk is nowhere near as appealing as say, Gatorade or water.

Even though it seems that our teens today are making more healthy choices as far as food and drink, soda is still largely consumed.

For some, it's about taste. For others it's about texture. Some simply don't like the taste of milk. Still yet, others only prefer the taste of milk at breakfast or in a bowl of cereal because milk is highly related as a breakfast drink. Others dislike the texture - as in how thick it is in comparison to drinks like water or Gatorade. Even more teenagers prefer "tasty" drinks - like those that taste like fruits - even though they are usually high in sugar (which also helps them with a quick energy boost since many teens stay so busy with activities - and is also why energy drinks are on the rise).

There are so many options out there for drink choices now. Every other company is trying to replicate or outdo the next company in developing the next new flavor to hit the market. Milk has just been forgotten about and is starting to lose its role in breakfast at that.

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13y ago

as you will know milk contains calcium, and since teenagers are going through puberty, they will need calcium to help them grow to be strong and healthy

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Teenagers especially need the nutrient calcium to help build strong bones. They also need vitamin D, iron, and vitamin C.

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To get taller you (teenagers, not adults) must drink milk. Milk has high amount of calcium to keep your bones stronger and for teenagers taller. Im a teenager and i used to be 5'1 when i was 14 but now i am 5'5 because I drank milk for about 6 months.

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