

Why do the French not like the US?

Updated: 12/9/2022
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12y ago

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This is not true. Most of the french are opened-minded, and admire America.

However, anti-americanism does exist in France. But some doesn't mean all.

To enlight you i made a little list

The french most common reproach the US for

- a imperialistic and belliquious behaviour (always declaring war)

- the bad food and obesity

- The violence - french hardly understand the fact arms can be legally weared.

- A " too much patriotic" and conservative attitude.

- a too inequal society with on one side very rich people, and on the other side very poor ones

- the fact that Americans are badly educated, and know nothing but America, thinking everyone in the world should speak English ...

All of these are actually clichés (of course, everyone can find someone who does not know where France is on a map), as clichés as some Americans have on France because

We don't wear berets, we don't eat frogs, we don't drive old "deux chevaux", we do not listen accordeon music, etc .

But that's the way it is, it is a love and hate relationship. In fact, we are more similar than different.

I am an average frenchman. I loved my travels in the US, I admire America for its ability to face its challenges. And most of the Americans I met in France or in the US were charming and opened-minded.

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