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The Savage Reservation is intriguing due to its stark contrast to the highly structured and controlled society depicted in "Brave New World." It offers a glimpse into a world seemingly untouched by technological advancements and social conditioning, presenting a counterpoint to the artificial utopia of the World State. Additionally, the Reservation raises questions about the price of progress and the loss of individuality and humanity in the pursuit of stability and happiness.

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Where is the savage reservation?

The Savage Reservation is located in New Mexico in the novel "Brave New World" by Aldous Huxley. It is an isolated area where people live according to traditional Native American customs and beliefs.

What is the religion on the savage reservation?

In Brave New World by Aldous Huxley, the religion of the "Savage Reservation" is a mixture of Catholicism and indigenous religion, as opposed to the "Fordism" followed by the "civilized world."

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John is called "the Savage" initially because he was not living in the civilized world, but on the "Savage Reservation."

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The Warden is the head of the savage reservation.

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What kind of childhood did John have brave new world?

In "Brave New World," John's childhood was spent on the Savage Reservation, where he was isolated from the rest of society and raised by his mother, Linda. The rules and beliefs of the reservation greatly influenced John's upbringing and shaped his unique perspectives on life.

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The Savage Reservation. Lenina decides to accpet Bernard Marx's invitation after discussing Henry with Fanny.

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Guaranteed reservation Non-guaranteed/regular reservation Confirmed reservationIn this reservation hotel refuse the guest reservation

How many reservations does the tribe maintain in Florida and what are there names?

There is six in fl: Big Cypress Reservation Tampa Reservation Immokalee Reservation FT. Pierce Reservation Hollywood Reservation and Brightton Reservation