

Why do the US want to get rid of pit bulls?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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13y ago

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The US does not. Certain people in it do, as well as BSL. And this is because when Pits bite, they latch on. Terriers are determined dogs.

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Q: Why do the US want to get rid of pit bulls?
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How popular are pit bulls in the US?

pit bulls are eveywhere in the us, and the third best dog in the u.s.

How many pit bulls in the us?


How many pit bulls are there in us?

The are over a thousand

How many people in the US have pit bulls?

Almost a quarter of people in the US have pit bulls!

Can pit bulls be military dogs?

Pit bulls are banned from most US military bases. However I'm sure if the dog was fully trained in bomb detection they may be exempt from that rule.

How can you make a pit bulls muscles bigger?

No need to, history shows us that when the measurements of the pit bull are extended, the dog loose those traits known to all of us. You can serve your dog with a lot of exercise if you want the muscle get the attention you need.

Why do people fight for us?

people use pit bulls to fight because of how strong they are and they will do anything to please their owner.

In what states in the US are pitbulls banded?

no state bans pit bulls. There are cities and counties in almost every state that do ban them or require permits for them. Denver, Colorado for example bans pit bulls, but the state of Colorado does not. It all depends on the city and/or county.

Do you have to register pit bulls and get liability insurance all over the US or is it just in certain areas?

Only in certain jurisdictions - it is NOT a nationwide requirement.

What is the badest pitbull in the US?

there is no bad pit bulls i have one it is so nice people think they are mean because people fight them .Well people can make any dog mean and fight them. They are nice and fun to play with and i have to kittens and she is pretty gentle with them pit bulls are sweet and protective they look scary but they are like big Babbies.

What dog breed has most reported bites in US?

It is very difficult to get an accurate count in dog bite statistics because most of the time they are not reported and if they are reported it is often not known what the breed of dog is. However, the statistics that are available do not show pit bulls as most likely to bite. In fact, when tests were conducted by the American Temperament Testing Society (ATTS), Pit Bulls received a passing score better than some breeds who are considered nice dogs, such as Beagles and Golden Retrievers! Also, as stated above, there are several dog breeds commonly referred to as pit bulls. So, based on that alone, they are much more likely to be blamed for an attack than other breeds because the number of dogs called pit bulls is skewed far higher than the actual number of American Pit Bulls Terriers there really are

What is a pit bull life expectations?

The American Pit Bull Terrier has a natural life span span of 13-15 years. Unfortunately, if you assume there are 4-7 million pit bulls in the US and a million are estimated euthanized yearly due to negligence and over breeding the average pit bull's life expectancey is closer to 4 to 7 years.