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To keep it off the ice/snow and to keep it warmer.

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Q: Why do the dad penguins carry the egg on their feet?
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What do penguins lay there eggs on?

The father penguin carry's the egg on its feet so the egg won't get cold.

What animal dad keeps it's eggs warm under it's feet?

Penguins, but the egg aren't under their feet, but in a pouch. Watch the movie The March of the Penguins.

How do penguins carry their babies?

first the mom looks for food over a 3 month span in that time the dad sits on the egg till hath the dad never leves the egg and it doesn't eat after hatching the mother comes back and feed the baby........ and the dad

Why do penguins keep their eggs on their feet?

penguins keep their eggs on their feet to keep the egg warm.if its not on their feet it might die.

What are emperor penguins habit?

catch the egg on their feet

How do penguins carry their eggs?

They don't get eggs. They lay the egg and the male watches the egg until the baby penguin is hatched.

Do male and female emperor penguins have a brood pouch?

No, the Dad guards the egg!

What are penguins nest made of?

They do not have nests they brood their egg and chic on their feet.

How do penguins hatch a chick from an egg and keep the chick alive?

They keep the egg cratled in the father's feet

Where do the penguins baby's sleep in the antarctic?

under there mom or dad's legs just like when they were an egg

How can the male penguins hold their eggs?

Well the mother penguin sits on the egg to keep it warm while the dad penguin goes to get fish from the sea near by. Well the mother penguin sits on the egg to keep it warm while the dad penguin goes to get fish from the sea near by.

What penguin cares for the young penguins?

Both the mum and the dad penguin care for the egg and the baby penguin.