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As we move down the group of halogens the number of shells increase (as the number of periods are increased). Thus the halogens become less reactive. Halogens react by gaining an electron to have a complete outer shell (as they have seven). As the number of shells increase, the magnetic force from the nucleus (of the protons to the electrons) decrease thus make them less likely to gain an electron from other molecules. So the ones nearer to the bottom (e.g. iodine) will be less reactive than the one nearer to the top (e.g. chlorine).

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Q: Why do the properties of halogens change as you move down the group?
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How does the reactivity of halogens change as you go down group 7?


What happens to the reactivity of halogens as you go down the group?

the reactivity of halogens goes on decreasing as we go down the group, because of increasing in atomic size of the respective element.

What are the characteristics of group 8A?

Group VII elements are halogens. Halogens exist as diatomic covalent molecules (the 2 atoms within each molecule are held together by strong covalent bond) and they are very reactive non-metals. Physical properties: On going down the group from Fluorine to Astatine, - the melting and boiling points of the halogens increase. Chlorine is a gas, bromine is a liquid and iodine is a solid at room temperature. - the colour of the halogens become darker. Chlorine is greenish-yellow, bromine is reddish-brown and iodine is purplish-black. Chemical properties: - Halogens react with most metals to form salts called halides. - The reactivity of halogens decreases down the group. Fluorine is the most reactive. This is because the atomic size of the halogens increases down the group. It becomes more difficult for the nucleus to attract an electron into the valence shell to become an ion. - A more reactive halogen will displace a less reactive halogen from an aqueous solution.

What is the trend in density as you go down the group of halogens?

The density increase down.

Does halogens reactivity decreese as you mov down the group?


Do the halogens become more reactive or less reactive as they go lower down the group?

The most reactive halogens - fluorone and chlorine - are in the upper part of the group.

How chemically active are halogens?

Very, tho reactivity decreases down the group

What is the trend in melting points as you go down the group of halogens?

The melting point is greater.

What halogen is most likely to react?

The reactivity of halogens decreases down the group, which means Fluorine is the most reactive halogens as it is the most electronegative elements among the halogens, and also the Periodic Table.

Where is the halogen gases found on the periodic table?

The Halogens are from Florine and down. They are the group 17 elements.

Do the halogens have a higher boiling point going down the group and why is that?

yes they can get angry really fast

What can you say about reactivity of the halogens as you go down the group from fluorine to astatine?

Reactivity decreases. In other words, fluorine is the most reactive of the halogens while astatine is the lease reactive. This is because the ability to attract electrons(electronegativity) decreases as you go down the group.