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Q: Why do the seed leaves shrivel off a plant?
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What happens to the seed leaves when the plant is able to make its own food?

The seed leaves will drop off as it is useless alread

Explain what happens to the cotyledons of a seed as the seed begins to grow?

as the seed begins to grow the cotyledons shrivel up and drop off. by this point the stored food in the cotyledon is used up and the leaves can carry on photosynthesis

When does the seed coat drop off?

When the true leaves of the seed appears.

Is a bean a seedless plant or seed plant?

Off course thier a seed plant . How the hell do you think they are grown?

Is a bean plant a seedless or a seed plant?

Off course thier a seed plant . How the hell do you think they are grown?

A young plant grown from a seed?

yes plant starts off as a seed then it sprouts then its done

What is causing your succulents leaves to shrivel?

Extended drought causes a succulent's leaves to shrivel.Specifically, a succulent plant wants to expose the least amount of surface area to evaporation. Decreased surface area reduces the amount of water loss. Shriveling up therefore is a way to have a lesser amount of leaf surface available for water loss to take place.

What happened if when the seed leave dropped off?

The plant will start a new plant .

What is a wind blown seed?

A Dandelion seed is an example of a parachute type seed ; a seed that is airborne .

What is the first part of the plants to appear on a spouting seed?

The first part of a seed to emerge is a small sprout called the radical, which will develop to form the root system of the new plant. The first above-ground part is a stem containing the cotyledons (either one or two depending on the plant type); these resemble small leaves, but will drop off once true leaves have developed.

Are the leaves of a weed plant supposed to fall off?

No cut them off

Why do the cotyledons of a seeds becomesmalleras the new plant grow?

A bean seed shrinks and disappears after the seedling develops leaves because the seed's food reserves are used up. Since the leaves can now make energy for the plant, this lack of food reserves from the seed is not a danger.