

Why do the spanish eat so much pork?

Updated: 10/7/2023
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14y ago

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Because their spanish

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Q: Why do the spanish eat so much pork?
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Does Zayn Malik eat pork?

No zayn is muslim so he cant eat pork

Is chicken better for you than pork and if so why?

Yes chicken is much better than pork, pork meat also carries diseases and you can ill from eating it regularly. Chickens are much better to eat.

Can you die from eating pork chops?

Sure. You can choke, you can get food poisoning if they haven't been prepared properly. You can eat so much that you die of obesity. if you only eat pork chop you can get malnutrition.

Can Africans eat pork?

Most Africans in general that I have met whether they be from west, east, north or south Africa say that they do not eat pork although some do from certain tribes. Africa is a huge continent made up of so many different cultures and tribes so when you talk about west Africans, it is too big and general to answer. I can tell you this though. No one eats as much pork or meat as Americans. Americans, eat a lot of pork and so does Europeans. I lived in Germany for 3 years and I have never seen so much pork in my life.

Are pork rinds a food that cause high cholesterol?

Well, yes. Pork rinds are quite fatty and can cause high cholesterol if you eat it in lots and great quantities. Try not to eat so much and limit your pork rind intake for the sake of your health.

Is it forbidden to eat pork in Tunisia?

for muslims yes it is forbidden to eat pork and it is part of our religion and we don 't eat it or think to buy it -_- ; it is our culture and our religion , but people from another religion can eat pork , it is sold in few big supermarkets because the majority of tunisians don't eat it so it is not profitable to sell it -_-

What type of food do Azerbaijan eat?

They are Muslims, so they do eat what all other Muslims eat - halal food. And no pork!

Where do pigs liv?

on farms, then they get taken to the butcher house so we can eat pork.

What can happen if you eat unrefrigerated pork?

You could get foodpoisoning, all sorts of viruses, and you could even die. So keep pork refrigerated and cook it thoroughly Oh and never eat pork that is out of expiration date, that will make you sickly too.

Why do Chinese eat pork?

Chinese people love to eat pork! They eat it to make their body grow

What do the pigs produce?

Pork like bacon, pork chops,minced meat (not always pork sometimes beef) etc

Why don't Arabs eat pork?

Eating pork is forbidden in Islam, so all Muslims must not eat it including Muslim Arabs. It's an explicit prohibition in the Holy Qur'an. Pork is not allowed for Muslims to eat, per Religion command, whether they are Arabs or not Arabs. Refer to question below for more information. It is important to note that Arab Christians do eat pork, but some do not in order to respect their neighbors' wishes.