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We are never told explicitly, but in reality it would have been due to his commitment to Scotland in battle

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The witches want Macbeth to become king because they enjoy causing chaos and influencing human lives. By propelling Macbeth towards kingship, they foresee the disruption and downfall that will follow, satisfying their own sinister desires.

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Q: Why do the witches want Macbeth to become king?
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In response to Macbeth's questions the witches?

In response to Macbeth's questions, the witches prophecize that Macbeth will become king and encourage him to take action to make the prophecy come true. They manipulate his ambition and plant seeds of greed and paranoia, which ultimately lead to Macbeth's downfall.

Which way did Macbeth want to kill duncan?

The three witches told MacBeth he was going to become king. He decided this needed a little proactivity on his part. Prompted by his wife, he killed Duncan to move things along a bit faster

Why did Macbeth want Banquo and Fleance dead?

To make sure that Banquo's son wont become king as the witches prediccted.

Why did Macbeth want to kill banquo and his son?

Macbeth wanted to kill Banquo and his son because he feared that they were a threat to his throne. The witches had predicted that Banquo's descendants would inherit the throne, which posed a risk to Macbeth's own lineage. By eliminating Banquo and his son, Macbeth believed he could secure his power.

What does to catch the nearest way by Lady Macbeth mean?

it means that one should use what ever they have to get where they want to be, to Macbeth this means that he should kill his king in order to become king

What does Hecate want the witches to do?

Hecate wants the witches to create a magical potion to deceive Macbeth and lead him to his downfall. She wants them to use their powers to manipulate Macbeth into feeling overconfident and secure, which will ultimately result in his defeat.

What was lady Macbeths feelings and thoughts when she read the letter she received from Macbeth?

She was excited, obviously, and worried that Macbeth would not want to become king by the most obvious method--by murdering Duncan.

Why does Macbeth want banquo and feance does it work?

Assuming you meant when Macbeth sends the two assassins to murder Banquo and Fleance, it is because he doesn't want Banquo's children to become kings like the witches predicted. It only worked half way, because yes they did kill Banquo, but not Fleance.

How does Macbeth feel about his wife getting involved?

Macbeth wrote a letter to his wife explaining to her all of what the witches had said. If he did not want her to be his "partner in greatness" he would have kept that knowledge to himself.

What does banquo want to talk about with Macbeth?

Banquo wants to discuss the witches' prophecies with Macbeth and their potential significance. He also wants to share his suspicions about Macbeth's recent actions to see if he can uncover any truth behind Macbeth's sudden rise to power.

What was Macbeth's motive for killing banquo and what is his motive for killing Lady Macduff?

king duncan was the king of demark which in the past was in a war with england, so in the play they didnt want to make demark look like bad people so they replaced the demark people with danes