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Ice cores are used to examine the different levels of atmospheric gas, levels of dust, and also levels of solar radiation affected by both gas and dust. this allows scientists to examine what the atmosphere was like hundreds of thousands of years ago. Each layer shows a different period of time in the cycle of climate change.

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Q: Why do they dig ice cores in antarctica?
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What are ice cores for climate analysis drawn from?

The cores are drilled from the ice itself - ice sheets in Antarctica and Greenland.

Why is jack hall taking ice core samples from antarctica?

Jack Hall was studying the greenhouse gases in ice cores from Antarctica because runaway greenhouse gases are causing global warming.

How do scientists learn about the climate in Antarctica thousands of years ago?

Ice cores are useful for scientists who want to learn about the climate in Antarctica thousands of years ago.

Where does the icefish live?

The ice fish dig holes in glaciers in Antarctica and live there.

Where do you get ice cores?

Ice cores are essentially big ice blocks that are taken from glaciers and ice caps. They show levels of dust and atmospheric gasses trapped in the ice which show the different levels at different stages in the earth's cycle of climate change. There are many different 'sites' where they take these samples from including Greenland and Antarctica (to name a select few).

In antarctica scientists study environmental changes that occurred over tousands of years by taking.?

Generally, the data source you're thinking of is ice cores.

Has anyone ever tried to bring back ice from antarctica?

Ice cores taken by scientists to study the health of planet earth are returned under refrigeration to scientific laboratories on other continents.

Why are climatologists interested in Antarctica?

Ice freezes material within itself when it freezes, that includes gases and trace elements. Scientists can slice ice cores into extremely thin slices and then determine the composition of the atmosphere at the time the ice layer froze.

Why do scientits go to Antarctica?

They go there because they want to get the ice cores and and see what temperature it was in antarctica. They are focusing on biology, geology, ice and climate changes. They are very facinated of Antarctica but people want to stop them fromdoing experiments. But most people think that it is better for all of us because they can check the global warming.

Why have so few fossil dinosaurs been found in Antarctica?

The biggest problem with finding fossils in Antarctica is that everything is covered in ice, making it hard for archaeologists to excavate and find fossils.

What percentage of the ice can find in the antarctica?

One hundred percent of the ice found in Antarctica Antarctica.

Why were so few dinosaurs found in Antarctica?

The reason that so few dinosaurs have been found in Antarctica is because it is almost impossible to dig for fossils on most of Antarctica. First, most if it is underneath a mile of ice. Secondly, because Antarctica is so harsh, few paleontologists go to dig even in the areas of rock that are exposed. To me, for those reasons, it's surprising that any dinosaurs have been found in Antarctica.