

Why do tropical fish need hard water?

Updated: 11/12/2022
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14y ago

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If a fish was put into pure water with no chemicals, the salt in the body would cause expansion on the cells. If you put the water in your eye you would feel the drawing of the salt from your eye. That is why saline drops have .9%, that's less than one percent, of salt in it.

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Q: Why do tropical fish need hard water?
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Do tropical fish need hard or soft water?

Tropical simply refers to fish that are from the tropics, and does not denote an entire, uniform group. There are many types of tropical fish, and they all come from areas of the world which are hot, but that don't have similar water characteristics.In other words, some fish need hard water, and some fish need soft water. For example, most of the tropical fish from South America prefer soft water. In contrast, fish from the African Rift Valley Lakes, also a tropical area, require very hard way hozay

Do Tropical Fish need soft water of hard water?

tropical fish like hard water, with some softness to it, it keeps theyr fins from bunching up and makes them able to swim faster. ( be sure to use a filter to keep the water running)

Is well water good for tropical fish tank?

no tropical fish need warm water

What water do tropical fish need?

Fresh Water

Why do tropical fish need more hard water than soft water?

Actually, different species of tropical fish require different levels of kH/gH. Some require soft water, and some hard water. So make sure to research the species before you acquire it!

Do tropical fish need natural sea water?

No they need fresh water with this top fin water conditioner that's what I recommend bc that's what I use with my tropical fish

What type of tropical fish can you put in with goldfish?

None, goldfish are cold water fish, so having a tropical fish as a tank-mate just wouldn't work because tropical fish need to live in warm water.

Do tropical fish need salt water to survive?


Why do you need to acclimatise the water for a fish?

Every fish lives in a different inviroment.If its a tropical fish and the water is to cold it will die.

Do most tropical fish need hard or soft water to survive?

While there are some species that need very soft water (Discus below 4 dGH) and others that need very hard water (Malawi Cichlids above 12dGH) the vast majority of species will cope with medium hard/soft water. Anywhere between 6 to 10 dGH is OK for most fish.

Tropical fish tank but would like to get marine fish ie clown fish in it. what would i have to add to my existing tank?

GUESS WHICH IS REAL AND U WIN $5,000,000,000,000,000,000,000!!!!!!!! A- i would go there marine fish are SOFT!!! you wont need to change the water and everything. you cant get a fish called 'clown loaches' which arent tropical and they don't eat snails too!! B- i wouldn't go there marine fish are HARD !! you will need to change the water and everything. you can get a fish called 'clown loaches' which are tropical and the eat snails too !!

Are clown fish tropical ones or marines?

They are both Tropical and Marine. They need to be kept at 70F and they also need sea water.