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Q: Why do vocal chords feel different as you change the pitch of your voice?
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Can phlegm make you lose your voice?

It can stick to the vocal chords and change the pitch at which they vibrate.

How does a singer regulate pitch?

By adjusting the tension in the vocal chords.

How pitch controlled in the human voice?

The pitch of someone's voice is controlled by the tension on the vocal chords

Why do men produce sounds different from women?

Men's and women's vocal chords are different lengths, mostly men's being longer than women's. When speaking, singing, humming, etc., longer vocal chords vibrate more slowly, creating a lower pitch, and vice versa for higher pitches.

Which organ vibrates in the throat when you speak?

Vocal Chords?

When are your vocal chords tensed up?

Your vocal chords are tense during the inhalation

Why don't animals have vocal chords?

Animals DO have vocal chords.

How do vocal chords work?

i think vocal chords work when the flaps of the vocal chords are pushed together to make a noise, then your mouth forms it into words.

How many vocal chords does a cat have?

A domestic cat has over one hundred vocal chords, so can make a huge variety of different meows, squeaks, chirps and yowls.

Why does helium change your voice?

Because Helium is lighter than the oxygen and other gases we breathe, when it passes through your vocal chords, it makes them vibrate quicker than the heavier gases like Oxygen-(8) and such. So because they cause your vocal chords to vibrate quicker, it tightens up your vocal chords and makes the pitch of your voice go up.

Are vocal ranges affected by your puberty and gender?

Yes, durng puberty, there is a lot of change done to the vocal chords. So the voice changes.

Why does helium make you talk different?

helium is less dense than the normal air we breathe, so when you breathe helium out and your vocal chords vibrate, it comes out in a higher pitch tone.