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so the heat can get in it

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Q: Why do we chop food up to cook it?
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Related questions

How do you cook losers?

chop them up and fry them and get out dindin

How do you chip up food?

you just chop it up

What is the best cookbook with pork chop recipes in it?

The best cookbook with pork chop recipes can be found at This site provides a good recipe with pork chop in the food. For fathers that love pork chop the best cook book to buy would be Taste of Homes.

What is the best way to train cooking and fishing in runescape?

fish food and then chop logs and make a fire with tinderbox and then cook

What kind of food do Mexicans cook up at tamalada?

they cook up rice and beans

What food can you chop?

You can chop any used food ingredient. There are numerous options to chop foods with, from knives to electrical equipment.

how do i eat dogs?

I believe they eat dog in Vietnam and China, so you could go there for a meal.

How long does it take to cook aveal chop?

For cutlets that are one-two inches thick, cooking in an oven set to 425 for five to ten minutes should cook everything properly, but the cook time depends on the size of the chop.

Do fast food places cook fresh food or heat up frozen?

They heat up frozen food.

Why do Japanese people use chopsticks instead of forks?

Chop sticks are used as hair decorations, to eat food, and to cook food also. They are multi purpose tools. Japanese culture is very practical and efficient.

Do you smash the yolk in the egg when making egg salad?

No, you will want to hard boil (also sometimes referred to as "hard cook") the eggs then chop them up.

What are all of the things that a microwave do?

cook all your food and heats it up and unthaws food