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For two reasons:

  • The main reason is to protect the food you are handling from you and any possible infection that could have developed in your cut. People with exposed cuts and sores have caused foodborne outbreaks. The food also needs to be protected from any blood-borne diseases you could be carrying.
  • The second reason is to protect your cut from bacteria in the environment and to further reduce the possibility of infection.
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Q: Why do we cover cuts while cooking?
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When I was a professional cook, I found the best way to cover a burn, was to use a product called second skin, it is a jelly like pad, and then cover that with gauze and then a glove if it is on your hand or just the gauze if it is on your arm. For cuts a band aid then then a glove or a finger cot.

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It is important to cover stuffing (dressing) while cooking it. One of the important ingredients to a good stuffing is water, and therefore, it can dehydrate making for a dry stuffing. If cooking stuffing, whether in a container by itself or inside a turkey, cover with aluminum foil. Also, if cooking the stuffing inside the turkey, be sure to baste the stuffing exposed while basting the turkey.

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It will shorten cooking time, which in turn, can result in a modest saving of cooking gas; yes.

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Why you should cover fry pan while cooking or use presure cooker.?

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Sear it first to make it nice and juicy then cover with tinfoil.

Why it is important in food safe to treat and cover cuts boils skin infections and grazes?

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