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Q: Why do we need to conserve renewable resources even though they can be replaced?
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Why do you need to conserve natural resources even though they can be replaced?

Renewable resources can still be used up before they can be renewed.

Is it better to rely on renewable or nonrenewable resources?

We rely on it for electricity we burn Coal to get heat that gets generated to electricity

Can you say that a cow is a resource?

Yes, it can be considered a natural renewable resource.

Why do poorer countries not have recycling programs even though they need to conserve materials the most?

Poor countries do not recycling programs even though they need to conserve materials the most because they do not have the resources to do so.

Steps of how to conserve nature resources?

We should not cut many tress . And though if we cut we must plant more

How are windmills beneficial to science?

they are renewable resources, even though they take a long time to break even, it is still a source of energy that is renewable, which means it can never run out

Why do we continue to use non renewable energy sources?

We should use them but we should use them carefully because after their gone, their gone. Also, some of them aren't good for our planet.

Is an oil production platform renewable?

No, an oil production platform is not renewable. It is used to extract finite fossil fuel resources from the earth and is not a sustainable or renewable source of energy. Renewable energy sources include solar, wind, hydro, and geothermal power.

Is iron a renewable resources?

Yes i is. Though some people say it is a renewable resource too. But, scientificly approved, it is considered a non-renewable resource because it takes too long to renew its self. Ask more questions if you need any more data! I am glad to help!

Is water an renewable resources?

Yes. They will always renew water and will never waste it. Even though they have to renew water, that doesn't mean you are always drinking used water.

Is resource renewable?

Water is renewable, and, though there's only a certain amount of it, it won't run out. Air is also renewable.

What pair of resource is renewable?

Water is renewable, and, though there's only a certain amount of it, it won't run out. Air is also renewable.