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They will most likely have less because they are not the kind of flower that really sticks out because of certain coloring, so that's also why they can depend on wing more than animals to pollinate.

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Wind pollinated flowers produce more pollen.

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Q: Why do wind-pollinated plant species generally produce more pollen than animal pollinated species?
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Why do plants have to be pollinated?

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generally Update: No penguins are not asexual. It requires a male and female to produce a chick regardless of the species.

Wind-pollinated flowers produce a lot of pollen grains?

To generate more plants by wind pollination in which some percentage of pollens succeed.

Why insect pollinated flowers produce nectar and how they produce?

LeBron James xD I Dont Know Insect pollinated plants produce nectar to attract insect for pollination. The nectar is produced in the nectary glands present at the base of stamens and gynoecium and when the insect approaches the nectary gland, the pollen grains get stuck on its body and when this pollen loaded insect visit another flower of the same species, pollen grains from his body are off loaded on the stigma this flower. Thus pollination by insect is achieved and the insect is benefited by the nectar from that plant.

Is a buttercup flower a wind or insect pollinated plant?

It's bright and showy, and even has little nectar ducts under its petals, so insect-pollinated. Wind-pollinated plants generally don't have flowers, or the flowers are very small and inconspicuous, like those of grass. Wind-pollinated plants also make far more pollen (try tapping a pine tree or reed in spring) because the wind does not take it directly to its destination, much of it will be lost. With insects there's a fair chance the little there is will reach another flower of the same species.

Does pine tree reproduce flowers?

Yes - they produce flowers in order to propagate the species. The flowers are only small, once they're pollinated, they turn into the cones we see in forests etc. The cones contain the seeds of a new generation of trees.

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Generally, foods are genetically modified by taking a gene from one species and forcing into the cells of another species in a lab to produce a desired trait. This differs from hybridization in that it is transgenic (between species) and the gene is physically forced into the cells.

Why don't wind pollinated flowers smell?

I'm not sure i think it is too much work to produce pollen and a perfume so they just do pollen to fertilise the other plants in the species. See there is a female bud and a male bud and without the pollen there would be no fruit.

What group of organisms that can breed and produce fertile offspring?

A group of organisms that can mate and produce offspring which can themselves mate is called a species.

Is carnation flowers self or cross pollinated?

Daffodils have two ways to reproduce:Asexually by bulbs producing clones of the parent plant. This is the most efficient way to produce new plants.Sexually through seeds producing new and interesting hybrids; however, it takes 5-7 years of growth before the flower appears on these plants.The daffodil can be self pollinated, but cross pollinating produces the most genetic variability in the species or cross species. Generally growers will deadhead the daffodil to put more of the food into the bulb for next year's blooms.

Can you cross pollinate?

All fruits can be cross pollinated within their own family, but unless the fruit is a true Species they will not come true from seed.

Do organisms have to be the the same species in order to breed and produce offspring?

No, organisms of different species can breed and produce offspring. Donkeys and horses can breed and produce mules but mules cannot produce offspring.