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A woman's body secretes a hormone while pregnant which can usually be detected on a home pregnancy test a week or two after implantation (a woman's body doesn't know it's pregnant until implantation and therefore doesn't secete the hormone until that happens) of the fertilized egg (which is about a week after conception). The hormone is in the blood stream which is filtered by the kidneys which create urine. Therefore the hormone can be detected in urine.

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Q: Why do women test their urine to see if they are pregnant?
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When you go into the hospital to get birth control do they give you a urine test?

They test your urine to see if you may be pregnant, but no drug tests.

What can your doctor learn from a urine test?

From the urine test your doctor can tell wether you are pregnant or not. Not only can you test for pregnancy, but to also check to see if the right stuff are coming out.

Are you pregnant if a home pregnancy test came back positive and a laboratory urine test was inconclusive and why would they be different?

Hello there. Yes you may very well be pregnant. A pregnancy test will only turn positive once HCG has been found in your urine. BUT there needs to be ENOUGH HCG in your urine to make a positive test result. Depending on the pregnancy test, they usually look for 5MIU - 50MIU. If you had 49MIU of HCG in your urine and did a test that looks for 50MIU it would be negative. The same thing applies to the Labatory urine pregnancy test. When they did the test you probably didn't have enough HCG in your urine to give you a positive. You need to have a blood test. Urine tests are NOT reliable and give negative results when women are indeed pregnant. See your doctor for a Quantitative Beta HCG pregnancy test. Good luck.

How can you be sure that you become pregnant?

You can get a blood test done, which is more accurate than a home urine test. Also, an ultrasound test can be done to actually see the pregnancy.

You think you're pregnant but you havent experienced spotting yet does spotting happen to all pregnant women.?

Not all women spot. Some women will have spotting with 1 pregnancy and none with the next. If you think you are pregnant, see your doctor or get a test.

If we get our periods then does it mean that we are not pregnant?

Usually but not necessarily. Some women can have one or two periods after they become pregnant but it is somewhat rare. The best way to see if you are pregnant is to get a test.

Will the lines on a urine pregnancy stick be light if there is an impending miscarriage?

it doesn't matter how light the lines are on the test. the test is to just see if you are pregnant or not. it does not tell if you will have a miscarriage or in the process of one.

Blood spotting on period could you be pregnant?

Sometimes women have implantation spotting that they confuse with their period. You should take a pregnancy test to see if you are pregnant.

Can you still be pregnant if you are amlost 7 weeks but your lightly bleeding not enough for a pad but you went to the clinic and a urine test came back negative and you drank lots of water day before?

If you think you may be pregnant (any other signs besides being late with your period?), then you should get a blood test. A urine test can sometimes be inaccurate - it measures the levels of HCG, "pregnancy hormones," but in some women they are not as strong until later in pregnancy. It's true that light spotting can occur during pregnancy, but maybe you just experienced a lighter period this time. If you're uncertain, get a blood test. I would avoid ALL urine tests. Drinking lots will lower HCG in your urine. Only a blood test can tell you if your still pregnant. See your doctor for a blood test ASAP.

What is a ob?

Its an obstertics doctor, which see women who are pregnant. Its an obstertics doctor, which see women who are pregnant.

What is the rubella test?

The rubella test is a routine blood test performed as part of prenatal care of pregnant women.

How long does it take to see if you are pregnant or not?

A home or urine test at a clinic takes 5 minutes or less. A blood test takes a few hours to come back. you can do a home test or clinic urine test once your period is late for the best accuracy a blood test can be done a few days before that with accuracy. ~pawsalmighty