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For the same reason that men do when they're the injured party - they've been hurt and want revenge. It's human nature, alas.

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Q: Why do women turn into abusive liars during divorce proceedings or shall I say Show their true colors?
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Can father have visitation rights with children under two years of age if the pregnancy comes to fruition during divorce proceedings?

Regardless of when a pregnancy or divorce occurs, both parents have equal rights to their children. In most cases, you can separate divorce proceedings from custody proceedings, but this will depend on the court system where you live.

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If divorce proceedings is ongoing, than temporary child support should have been ordered, from which his percentage of costs is covered

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If no provisions were set up during the divorce proceedings, medical bills would revert to the person receiving treatment.

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Yes, the guardianship can be switvhed back to the mother during the divorse proceedings.

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Then you need to file criminal charges aganst her. That's fraud.

Can you be married going through a divorce marry somebody else at the same time according to calforina law?

No. Until your divorce is finalized by the court, you are still married. Getting married to a different person during your divorce proceedings would be bigamy.

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A guardian ad litem is a court appointed person that represents the interests of a child during divorce proceedings. They can also be used in cases regarding parental rights.

When a wife sleeps with husband during divorce proceeding will this make the divorce null and void in Illinois?

No. You can still live like a married couple, that wont change anything. The papers you filled in is what matters. Unless you end the proceedings the divorce is still on. The court don't care about your sex life.

Can you husband put a freeze on your bank account when you are still married or going through a divorce?

The courts can order a freeze on your assests during divorce or separation proceedings, especially if it is suspected that you might try to spirit money out of the account that might be legally half his.

Can you have sexual relations after divorce papers have been filed in Tennessee?

Have sex with WHO? Your spouse - yes, of course - you're still legally married. With someone else - at your risk - you are still legally married and could be charged with adultery. Also, you run the risk of having this produced during your divorce proceedings.

What possible tax issues may arise when going through divorce proceedings?

There are a number of tax issues that could arise when going through divorce proceedings and most of these issues are related to property. During the divorce process, assets as well as owned by a couple will have to be divided between the two individuals. This may readjust taxable income come tax time. More specifically, owning a home could be another difficult issue to address not only for who will maintain home ownership, but who will be responsible for the property tax when the filing period comes around. There are many tax issues that arise when going through a divorce and this is why it is important to consult with an experienced divorce attorney and accountant when going through a divorce.