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Q: Why do you feel the need for conservation more today than ancient time?
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Why do you feel the need for conservation more today than your ancestors did?

because we are wasting so much of water in so many ways they are : we are leaving running taps just like that without closing it .. etc.... there are so many prevent wastage of water.

What was the climate in ancient Israel?

In Ancient Israel, the temperature was about what it is today. It received four or five more inches (15 centimeters) of rainfall than today. Farms dotted the Sinai with the Bedouins using the hills. Today, there are no farms.

What did the ancient Romans give to us today?

Architecture, engineering, roads, poems. There are more

Where ancient people smarter than people today?

No, but they weren't more stupid either.

What was the climate like in ancient Israel?

In Ancient Israel, the temperature was about what it is today. It received four or five more inches (15 centimeters) of rainfall than today. Farms dotted the Sinai with the Bedouins using the hills. Today, there are no farms.

Some connections between ancient Rome and the world today?

Today both us and the Ancient Romans share: -Democracy, -Christianity, -Plumbing, -States, and -Language. There are more, but those are the obvious ones.

What are the ancient Olympics games?

They were competitions held between states within ancient Greece similar to today's Olympic Games. Click on the 'Ancient Olympics' below to learn more about them.

What are the four physical quantities that are conserved?

While there are many more (somewhat more obscure) conservation laws throughout physics (like "Conservation of Lepton Number"), I believe the four you may be referring to are Conservation of Matter Conservation of Energy Conservation of Charge Conservation of Momentum NOTE that Conservation of Matter is not a true law (it is broken in many nuclear reactions). The other three are laws.

Where was the ancient Greece standium in Greece?

There were many standiums in ancient Greece, not a single one..many of them exist today, such as Epidavrus,Panathinean Stadium in Athens and many more...

How does the Battle of Antietam affect to US today?

It makes us feel more pride in ourselves as Americans.

Are languages from ancient civilisations more complex than today's?

No, we just have a harder time learning them because generally we don't have a pronunciation key and native speaker on hand to help out. Languages today actually have a lot more vocabulary than do ancient languages--that's what comes of more contact with other civilizations, more technology, and more stuff in general, all of which needs a name.

What rhymes with halfway?

Pathway payday fly spray today (Feel free to add more if this is not enough)