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Maybe you like him more or are more physically attracted to him

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Q: Why do you get butterflies in your stomach when you and this guy accidntaly touch elbows but you dont get butterflies when you and this other guy you like touch?
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Related questions

What does it mean when a boy tells you he has butterflies?

That means he has an emotional attraction to you, in other words he is beginning to crush on you.

How does one know if he or she is in love?

He or she will know by the feeling in the pit of their stomach, they will get butterflies in their stomach. They will also know they are in love by the way the other person makes them feel.

What are the signs you will fall in love in 2 days?

You write them a love note. You have butterflies in your stomach and you daydream about each other. Then you have your first kiss just because you look into each other's eyes.

What can butterflies do that other animals can't?

Butterflies pollinate flowers and plants.

Do butterflies fly like all other insects?

Yes Butterflies Fly. But not all other insects can fly

What part of the flower attracts butterflies and other insect?

Nectar in the flower attracts the butterflies.

Do butterflies kill each other?


How do butterflies and flower help each other?

Flowers help butterflies by providing them with food. Butterflies help flowers by spreading their seeds. Butterflies also help aid the flowers with pollination.

How do butterflies hunt?

Butterflies do not hunt, they are not carnivores. Butterflies eat nectar and tree sap. As caterpillars, they eat various types of leaves and other plants.

What does it feel like to make out?

The physical feeling of having a tongue stuck in your mouth is exactly how you think it would feel. But all the other sensations pulsating throughout your body are intense and overwhelming.

What is good about a butterfly?

It helps other butterflies.

What are the learned behaviors of a Monarch Butterfly?

they dont get along with other species just like any other butterflies