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This is by no means a comprehensive list, but here are some reasons that readily come to mind: 1. Being out of shape- If you haven't been exercising, your body hasn't been reaping the benefits. Being overweight puts an extra burden on your muscles, making it more difficult to exercise and move about. When you exercise, you also help to strengthen your heart, improve its efficiency and total volume of blood. All this extra blood means more oxygen to your muscles, allowing energy to be used at a greater rate. Without this help from cardiovascular conditioning, you'll be huffing and puffing. 2.Not enough food prior to exercise- Your body's like an engine, and without fuel, it's not going anywhere. Just a small amount of carbohydrates and a half hour to an hour prior to exercise can really help to improve endurance. 3. Dehydration- Stay hydrated during exercise. 4.Some other underlying disease or condition- See your doctor for a diagnosis.

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12y ago

You don't know me. Unless ur a creepy stalker person like Steven, u shouldn't talk about me like u know me. Besides i don't get tired very fast, unless I'm in gym class.....or got less than 12 hours of sleep.

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13y ago

Because your body expels the protein you had in your system during the workout, as well as the carbs needed to keep your energy levels up. Instead of all the "pre-workout"supplements you find on the market, try eating oatmeal or a banana 30 minutes before.

If you have a sensitive system don't use milk in your oatmeal, just water.

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14y ago

When you exercise, the energy is provided by the breakdown of ATP (Adenosine Triphosphate). ATP is of limited supply and when the body runs short of this and there is insufficient oxygen in order to restore the ATP , lactic acid begins to accumulate in the muscles that are being exercised for a temporary period in order to provide energy to carry the exercise out. The accumulation of lactic acid in the muscles for a long period of time is hazardous and therefore the body breaks the lactic acid down by the intake of large amounts of oxygen at a time to the muscles and is felt as exhaustion.

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13y ago

This would most likely be due to a lactic acid build up in the muscle which can be attributed to lack of muscle hydration as well as a lack of magnesium which has been depleted via exercise. Magnesium is a key nutrient that enable fluid to enter the muscles for them to work at peak performance, hence why triathletes etc. are constantly consuming electrlytes during distance events.

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13y ago

your doing an activity that your body is not use to. a reason why it is good to change up your workout about every 5 weeks also so your body doesn't start to plateau or get use to the same work out.

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15y ago

by excessively working out to your full potential and putting in the best effort and doing muscle burning workouts such as: pushups, mountain climbers, sitting against a wall etc.

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13y ago

why do you feel tired when you do exercise

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You really can't not get tired after any workout, even jumproping. You're going to get tired after exercise. You could practice not getting tired very fast by jumping little by little, making your jumping time longer than before.

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Whatever makes you feel tired, but not to tired. I would see how long it takes me before I get tired, then try to improve that every other day (dont forget your body does need a break)

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The runner who dropped dead while delivering news to Athens of the victory against the Persians at the battle of Marathon. If he dropped dead after it was over, then, I'd say that qualifies as a hard workout. I'm sorry but, a workout can't possibly get any harder if it induces death. You can't get any more "tired" than being dead now can you? [[User:|]]stardingo747

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If you are a poor swimmer it might not be a good idea because you might be too tired to stay afloat. However, just standing around in the pool would not hurt you any.

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The plural of workout is workouts.

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