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Genes and traits get passed just like if your dad had bbrown hair and your mom had blonde hair you would either have brown or blonde so you either get your dad's family blood type or your mom's family's blood type

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Q: Why do you have the same blood types in your family?
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What are matching blood types?

A mother and child will usually have the same blood types. You can visit your family doctor for blood typing in a family. Another way is the have a complete blood type history done on your whole family.

How do blood types in the us compare to blood types in other countries?

there are no other kinds of blood types in the world just the same as what we have here in america.

Can siblings blood transfer to same sibling in the same family?

Most of the time, siblings will share the same blood type. Being able to donate blood to a sibling (or anyone) does not depend on the relation, but rather on the blood type. For a detailed chart on which blood types match with one another, visit the website in the "sources and related links" below.

Can a Negroid accept blood from a Caucasian for a blood transfusion?

Blood types are not dependent on race so if their blood types are the same when they are tested it would be fine.

What happens if both parent have the same blood type could they have a child?

it all depends where you want to go with the question, but generally there would be no problems, if worried seek seek further medical advice

Is one blood type better to have than another?

There are certain blood types that are more rare. Any of the blood types would perform the same function in the body. The rare blood types are needed for transfusions.

Do tigers have blood types?

Yes. Even though there are limited studies on big cats and their blood types, the ones that have been conducted conclude that tigers share the same blood types as domesticated cats. The blood types include A, B, and AB.

Are daughter and father blood types the same?

It depends on both parents blood groups!

What blood types do a- take and why and why doesnt it take the other blood types?

Blood types usually only take blood of the same type, with the exception of O. Different blood types, such as A and B, will see each other as a threat to the body, a foreign object, and will attack each other.

Where does one find out how to test their blood type?

The best source to find out more about blood types and testing blood types would be through your family physcian. He or she can guide you to the appropriate procedure used to measure blood type.

What do Koreans think about blood types as in what personality traits go with what blood type like how the Japanese put personality traits with their blood types?

They believe in the same thing as do Germans.

You should know where you inherit things from sometimes you can inherit habbits, looks, even blood types from people in your family. Do you inherite a blood type from anyone?

Your blood type is inherited or given to you by your parents. The combinations of different blood types yields different blood types. In fact this is how paternity was once determined.