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The vitamins and nutriets help to fix the damage caused to the cells, eating fruits and veges make the bruise get well better and faster!

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Q: Why do you have to eat fruit and vegetable to get rid of bruises?
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It is used to reduce swelling in help get rid of bruises faster

Is there anything you can do to get rid of the bruising faster that is caused by liposuction?

Get some typical brown tea (orange pekoe) bags, wet them, and put them on your bruises. Soak your bruises in these. The tannic acid in the tea will help the bruises heal a lot faster. This works for any bruises.

Will cortizone get rid of bruises?

No. A bruise is a collection of blood under the skin. The only thing that will get rid of it is time. The blood has to reabsorb into the body.

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It could be. But you may just have a sore stomach. Eat some fruit to get rid of it or have some painkillers.

Do ants eat raspberry bushes?

At my house they are. My bushes are covered in them and they are most definitely eating the fruit. I am trying to find ways to get rid of them.

How do you get rid of mold on food?

You don't.You throw it away. You can cut out the moldy parts of bread, cheese, fruit etc and eat the rest.

Best food to get rid of love handles?

excercise and a "smart" diet. You have to be disciplined not to eat junk food. I've recently cut out red meats and eat fruit for breakfast regularly. It works!

How do you remove fruit and vegetable stain from clothes?

Depending on the fruit or veggie, this stain could be easy to get rid of or it could be difficult. Pretreat the stain and rinse it out. If the stain is gone, you're good to go. If it's still there repeat the pretreatment and wash it, considering bleach if the fabric is color-safe or white.

How do you get rid of bruises that has been there for a long time?

try rubbing some arnica cream on it, or you can take arnica tablets to heal it internally.