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if not taken regularly the medicine will not work properly

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Q: Why do you have to take aspirin doses at regular time intervals?
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Can you take aspirin with tromadol?

Regular aspirin would be safe if you needed it .if you are on tramadol then not mix it with aspirin.

Can a 65 lb lab take 12 child's aspirin?

I thought aspirin was fatal to dogs even in small doses. Ask a veterinarian

Can you substitute baby aspirin for real aspirin?

Yes, you can. Baby aspirin is the same as regular aspirin, just 1/4 of the regular amount (81mg instead of 330 mg). Since aspirin causes stomach bleeding, it is advisable to only take small amounts of it. 1-2 pills of baby aspirin usually works fine for me.

What are side affects from taking aspirin and Tylenol together?

If you take a dose of Tylenol and a dose of regular aspirin together, you would be overdosing, which could lead to death, but why would you do that when you could just take Tylenol brand aspirin, instead of a different type of Tylenol and an aspirin.

What is the dosage for zolmitriptan?

Take as soon as symptoms begin. TABLETS. Usual dose is 1-5 mg. Additional doses may be taken at 2-hour intervals

Can you take aleve after uti antibiotics?

Yes, I have done it, but I suggest regular old aspirin would be better.

What happens when you smoke aspirin?

You will get the gitters, possibly have a siezure, could suffer memory loss, and you will sweat profusedly for a couple minutes until the dosage wears. You will also get cold sweats. This is my guess based on the composition of aspirin. It is a blood thinnner in low doses but a deadly blood clotting agent in high doses. Take it from the kid that has a brain about drugs that still alive.

Can you take daily aspirin and blood pressure medicine at the same time?

Many individuals take one aspirin a day as a prevention against heart attack and/or stroke. However, you should consult with your doctor before taking any kind of medication especially as a routine.

Can you take Plavix with aspirin?

Yes, they may be taken together, but may increase the risk of stomach bleeding. To decrease this risk, dissolve regular cheap aspirin in a glass of warm water to help prevent this problem.

Can you take Atarax and Topamax together?

Yes, if both are prescribed for you, you can take them together at regular doses. However, it might increase side effects such as dizziness and drowsiness.

Can you take aspirin and cortisone together?

can you take aspirin and cortisone together

Is bayer aspirin acetylsalisylic acid?

All "aspirins" are acetylsalisylic acid. Aspirin was the trade name and acetylsalisylic acid is the chemical name.