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This is a response from your sympathetic nervous system, a part of your nervous system that is not under your direct control. When your senses take in stimuli (like a scary movie) that your brain perceives as being threatening, the SNS produces the "flight or flight" response. Nervous system signals are sent out to certain glands (such as the adrenals located by the kidneys) that release hormones into your blood stream. One of the major hormones that is released by the adrenal glands in response to these signals is epinephrine (also called adrenaline). Adrenaline courses through your blood stream and affects the functioning of a large number of organs and tissues, including the heart and lungs. After a time, the body breaks down the hormone, so its levels decrease in the body. In addition, the parasympathetic nervous system sends signals out to the body to essentially calm down and return to resting state.

This answer is by Jessica238

This is a response from your sympathetic nervous system, a part of your nervous system that is not under your direct control. When your senses take in stimuli (like a scary movie) that your brain perceives as being threatening, the SNS produces the "flight or flight" response. Nervous system signals are sent out to certain glands (such as the adrenals located by the kidneys) that release hormones into your blood stream. One of the major hormones that is released by the adrenal glands in response to these signals is epinephrine (also called adrenaline). Adrenaline courses through your blood stream and affects the functioning of a large number of organs and tissues, including the heart and lungs. After a time, the body breaks down the hormone, so its levels decrease in the body. In addition, the parasympathetic nervous system sends signals out to the body to essentially calm down and return to resting state.

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15y ago

It relates to the 'fright-flight-flight' reflex. All animals have this hard-wired into their brain as part of survival response to environmental stressors. It is part of the limbic system which interacts with sympathetic nervous system - a system designed to increase muscle tone & raise heart beat in preparation for escape or fight to a perceived threat. The fact the we don't (generally) run out of the house in fear after watching a Horror movie suggests that it is only momentarily activated before being suppressed by higher-order parts of the brain (i.e., we understand the threat is not real).

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Because U Are Scared

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cause you probably get a fright!

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Natural Instinct.

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