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Q: Why do you need soil in order to stay alive?
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What do flowers need to stay alive?

To stay alive, flowers need sun, water, soil, and nutrients.and oxgan

How do plants stay alive?

Plants stay alive through photosynthesis, a process where they convert sunlight into energy to create food. They also obtain water and nutrients from the soil through their roots, and use these resources to grow, reproduce, and perform other essential functions to survive. Additionally, plants have adaptations such as waxy cuticles to retain moisture and protection mechanisms to defend against pests and diseases.

Why would I feed my fish?

You should give food to your fish in order to stay alive and helthy. 😊

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They need to stay alive to support the organism

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a group need needs to be met in order for the group to stay alive these include laws ect.

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Koalas eat in order to obtain the energy and nutrition they need to stay alive.

Can Ebola stay alive in the ground where a patient was buried?

It is a virus and not alive but if blood or any body fluids are in the soil, someone who touches the contaminated soil can get the virus.

What abiotic factors do toucans need to survive?

well, toucans lives in the rain forest, their adaptation is they are used to the weather of the rain forest , they have a certain food that they need to eat in order to stay alive , it is their natural habitat

What gas do you need to stay alive?

Oxygen is needed to stay alive. Without it you suffocate.

What do roots do to keep a plant stay alive?

They absorb the nutrients in the soil and use it.

What are four things do you need to stay alive?

The four thing you need to stay alive are: Oxygen, water, Food, and Air

Can long stemmed roses continue to grow stems after they are cut and placed in water?

# first of all they do grow in soil and sunlight better than in water and soil . # next they need soil and sunlight just as much as they need water . # but plants also needwater to stay alive.