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You should get the IUD removed if you are seeking pregnancy, or if it is at the end of its useful life.

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Mirena is not effective after five years, so there is no advantage to leaving it in. If you would like to continue its use, you can have a new one inserted on the same day as Mirena.

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Q: Why do you need to remove your IUD after five years?
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What is the consequence if the IUD doesnt come out in five years?

There are no health consequences to leaving the IUD in longer than five years, but a hormonal IUD may not be effective past its useful life span.

You have the IUD for 5 years you missed your period this month is that normal?

Missing a period once in five years is normal with or without the IUD.

Do you have to remove IUD before tied your tubes?

There is no need to remove the IUD before (or after) having your tubes tied. Leaving it in will ensure continuous protection.

Does the IUD really last the whole 5 years?

The Mirena IUD lasts five years, Paragard lasts 12, and Skyla lasts three years.

How soon after your IUD is 10 years must you remove it?

If you leave the copper IUD in too long, there are no potential health problems. If you leave a hormonal IUD like Mirena in too long, you may not be protected against pregnancy, but there are no other risks.

How old should you be to have Mirena c oil taken out?

There is no minimum age of having the Mirena IUD removed. Women have it removed when they are seeking pregnancy, when they no longer need it (e.g. menopause), or when they have had it in for five years and need a new IUD or new method.

Can you get pregnant on IUD if you been on it for 3 years?

No. If the IUD is not expelled by chance, it will continue to give you protection by three years. I have seen the ladies, who have inserted the IUD and then forgotten about the same. This may be detected, may be after five years, when you ask a leading question to her.

Can you leave your IUD in longer than 5 years?

Yes, you can have another IUD inserted on the same day the old one is removed. This is a common practice.

How do you know when mirena IUD stops working?

Most women start menstruating within a couple weeks of the IUD removal.

What if the IUD is lodged in your uterus?

If you can feel the IUD coming out you need to contact your health care provider so that it can be removed. You may not have pregnancy protection, so consider the morning after pill if you've had sex in the last five days. Use a backup method of birth control until you know that the IUD is protecting you.

Why are you having brown blood after five years with your IUD?

As the Mirena IUD comes to the end of its five-year useful life, brown spotting can be a side effect. If you are having other symptoms, contact your health care provider.

Are there any side effects of having your tubes tied and not having your IUD removed?

There are no side effects of having your tubes tied and leaving an IUD in place. There is no pressing need to remove the IUD if you have other pregnancy protection.