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because the particles in the elements burst this will be incredibly dangerous because you will end up with scars all over your body. The reason why you have scars is because they have tiny oil in the particles.

i know truly interesting i found the information on Google by the way

i hope this answer helps

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Q: Why do you need to take safety precautions if you burn elements in oxygen?
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Can you burn a candle in pure oxygen safely?

Yes you can. But you should only if safety precautions are observed. A match lit in pure oxygen will burn rapidly and furiously. The entirety of the combustible material, and the paper or wood stem as well, could burn up within seconds.

What elements to you get when you burn hydrogen with oxygen?

Hydrogen and oxygen are already elements. You don't get elements as a product. You get water, which is a compound.

What element do other elements need to burn?


What is the substance formed when elements burn in oxygen?

Those would be the "oxides" of the elements burned.

Has different properties than the elements that make it up?

Water. You can burn oxygen and you can burn hydrogen but you can't burn water.

At what temperature does oak wood burn?

Oak wood burns at a temperature of 1300 to 1600 degrees C. When burning wood, it is important to use proper safety precautions.

What are some safety precautions for corrosive?

Well, corrosive means that it will burn through material. Your best bet would be to wear protective clothing and handle the substance with care.

Can fire burn with elements other than oxygen or fluorine?

Yes. Chlorine could sustain such a reaction as well.

Do different types of stars burn different fuel?

Yes, young stars burn Hydrogen and produce Helium. As they age, they often turn into red giants, and at that time they burn the Helium, making Oxygen and Carbon. Very large stars can even burn the Oxygen and Carbon, making even heaver elements, such as Iron.

Will oxygen and iron burn?

Iron will burn in pure oxygen.

Does oxygen make things burn brighter?

Oxygen is what makes things burn at all. The more oxygen there is, the brighter it can burn.

Why will methane not burn in air until a flame is applied?

The three elements that make a fire are fuel, oxygen and heat. The methane is the fuel, oxygen is present in the atmosphere and the flame provides the heat.