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Sodium chloride is table salt - you will get sick if you eat too much. When elements combine to make compounds they have different properties to the elements that made them.

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Q: Why do you not get sick if you eat sodium chloride if chlorine is poisonous?
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Why will you not become sick if you eat sodium chloride even though chlorine is poisonous?

because when sodium combines with chlorine, the properties change.

Why will you not get sick if you eat sodium chloride even though chlorine is poisonous?

Sodium chloride, or table salt, is composed of sodium and chloride ions. These ions are essential for bodily functions and are not toxic in the small amounts found in salt. The toxic nature of chlorine gas does not apply to the chloride ion in sodium chloride when consumed in normal dietary amounts.

What elements are in salt?

Sodium and Chlorine = Sodium Chloride that makes people sick.

Why wouldn't you become sick if you eat sodium chloride even though chlorine is poisonous?

Because the chloride- ion in sodium chloride is not chlorine and does not have its chemical properties. In fact chloride- ions are necessary for proper functioning of your body.However, if you ate a very large amount of sodium chloride it would make you sick. It would upset the electrolyte balance in your intestines causing diarrhea. This used to be used in the preparation for colonoscopies (you spent the entire night on the toilet!) But this is due equally to the sodium+ and chloride- ions, not just the chloride- ion.

Why will you not become sick if you eat sodium chloride even though chloride is poisonous?

Chlorine gas is highly toxic, but in table salt it has been rendered into the chloride ion, which is much less reactive.

Why you not become sick if you eat sodium chloride even though chloride is poisonous answer?

the mixture between the two creates a safe neutral compound

Can you get sick if you eat sodium chloride?

The recommended daily intake for sodium chloride is approx. 5 g.

Why don't you get sick from sodium chloride?

No it is not true. It causes high blood pressure in the body.

Having a sick loving mother and which she produces stuff?

it is the meaning of Vital death of my sick loving mother and she produces also known as calcium of the carbon in chlorine that dehydrates the oxygen in your body which produces sodium

How is chlorine used in ice cream?

You can't eat chlorine in ice cream because you will be very VERY sick or you will die... Do not use chlorine in ice cream. It almost smells and tastes like bleach! My friend tried to put chlorine in her ice cream.... and when i was just about to say NO, I was too late... she pour on it and she said it tastes horrible... Then few days later she got sick. Never... EVER... put chlorine in ice cream. ---- Actually, chlorine is used in ice cream manufacture in the form of salt (sodium chloride). Salt may be added to ice cream as a stabilizer, and it is added to the ice used to freeze it. The salt causes the ice to melt faster and thus cool the ice cream faster.

How do you know when spiders are poisonous?

If a spider bites you and you get sick it is poisonous.

What is poisonous about crab lung?

Nothing is poisonous, but the horrible taste might make you sick