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A major pentatonic scale uses the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 5th and 6th degrees of a major scale, in C major that means we use C, D, E, G, and A and we skip F and B since a major pentatonic scale uses only five notes. Interestingly enough, the word "penta" which is found in the word pentatonic, literally translates into "five tones" (penta-tonic).

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Q: Why do you not use the keys b and f in the pentatonic scale?
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Why do keys do keys have the same pitch but different key signatures?

There are three keys which are called "enharmonic keys", the three enharmonically equivalent key signatures are B major/C-flat major, F-sharp major/G-flat major, and C-sharp major/D-flat major and likewise their relative minors. B/C-flat, F-sharp/G-flat and C-sharp/D-flat all share the same pitch but are just notated in two different ways. In an other way the keys mentioned above are just one key going by two different names but they use different accidentals and are written on different lines/spaces.

Two rectangular prisms are similar with a scale factor A and B of 1 and5 Find the volume of prism A given that the volume of prism B is 1000 cubic feet?

200 cubic feet

You have 9 tennis balls. One is slightly heavier than the rest but you cannot tell by looking... or even holding. You also have a balance scale. How would you go about finding the heavy ball while usi?

Answer = Maximum of three steps to find heavy ball. Put one tennis ball aside and put the other 8 on the scale - 4 on each side. If the scale is balanced you're done - the one you put aside is the heavy ball If not Remove the 4 balls on the light side of the scale. The heavy ball is one of the four still on the scale. Spit these four in two on each side of the scale. Remove the two on the light side of the scale. The heavy ball is one of the two remaining balls on the scale. Split the two remaining balls. Your done. Solution #2 - heavier ball found in two steps: Step 1: group 9 balls in sets of 3. Reserve 3 balls(a), put 3 on each side of scale(b) and (c). Observe that heavier ball is in one of three sets, (a), (b) or (c) - either the scale side that dropped or the reserved set, if the scale balanced. Step 2: Split the set with the heavier ball - reserve one and place one on each side of the scale. Observe that heavier ball is one of the 3 balls, - either the scale side that dropped or the reserved ball, if the scale balanced. Solved in two steps.

What form of energy is involved in weighing fruit on a spring scale?

Sorry this took so long but it would be gravitational potential energy that is involved in weighing fruit on a spring scale :D

What is true of the Celsius scale A. 212 is boiling point of water B. 0 is absolute sero C. 0 is the freezing point of water or D. 32 is the freezing point of water?

It is C.

Related questions

How many black keys are played in a major g scale on a Piano?

The diatonic scale that is played mostly on the black keys is F# major (also known enharmonically as Gb Major). The scale that is played only on black keys is the five note F# pentatonic scale. (AKA Gb pentatonic scale).

Where is the E minor pentatonic scale?

The notes for E minor pentatonic are E, G, A, B, and D. All naturals!

What are the pitch syllables of a D pentatonicD major scale?

The pentatonic scale has 5 notes. It is similar to the omission of subdominant and leading note of major scale. Starting from D, the scale is D E F# A B.

What keys are in a C major scale?

The keys are C D E F G A B, there are no key signatures in C major scale

What are the notes in a B minor 7 scale?

There is no B minor 7 scale. B minor 7 is only a chord. If you still want to know what play over a Bm7 chord then i suggest you play one of the following scales: B minor, B minor pentatonic, B Dorian

What best scale to learn for guitar?

The Pentatonic is by far the most useful, because anything you play with the pentatonic will sound good. Major/Minor pentatonics are exactly the same shapes for related scales e.g. A minor and C major use the same notes, and B minor and D major use the same notes. You only need to add a few notes to get a full Major or Minor scale, of a Modal Scale.The octave ( eight steps single notes) is probably the most easiest, it propably sounds like this do ra me fa so la te do. This can be used with any major scale.

Why are there more white keys than black?

There are seven diatonic notes in a diatonic seven-note scale and there are five notes which are not part of the scale. The black keys (flats/sharps) are not designated as part of the basic C major scale and the notes in the C major scale are the white keys. For this reason, there are more white keys than black keys on a piano keyboard however, some of the white keys which lie on either side of the groups of two or three black keys, can be used as sharps and flats in certain cases. In the G-flat major scale, for instance, the fourth note still needs to be lowered, however the note directly below C is B, so B can be used as C-flat and likewise C can be used for B-sharp. Hope than makes sense.

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What are the minor keys and its definition?

The minor keys usually have a darker sound and feel to them - as opposed to the major keys which sound generally brighter. The minor keys are based on the sixth degree of a given major scale (lets take D major as an example, if we go up six steps in this scale we get the notes D, E, F♯, G, A, and B). So B minor will have the same key signature as D major (with two sharps). In a major scale there are four semitones between the first and third degrees of the scale but in minor keys there are only three semitones. So in the D major scale the third scale degree (mediant) is F♯ but the same degree in D minor if F♮ (natural). As with the major keys, minor keys can also contain up to seven sharps or flats in their key signature too.

What are the notes in a minor scale?

The "white keys" beginning with A will play an A-minor scale: A-B-C-D-E-F-G-A. The intervals between the notes (in terms of semitones) is: A(2)B(1)C(2)D(2)E(1)F(2)G(2)A You can use the same intervals to get the minor scale in other keys. For example, C-minor is: C-D-Eflat-F-G-Aflat-Bflat-C.

What notes do minor pentatonic scales have?

the major pentatonic scale ( notes played are 1st note or "Root" note, then the 2nd, 3rd, 5th and the 6th) differs from the the minor pentatonic (1st, 3rd flatted, 4th, 5th, and 7th flatted) D major pentatonic: D, E, F#, A, and B (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 5th, and 6th notes of the D scale.) D minor pentatonic: D, F, G, A, and C (1st, 3rd flatted, 4th, 5th, and 7th flatted) (D =1st note , 3rd flatted = F (F# becomes F when flatted), G = 4th note, A = 5th note and 6th note flatted = C (C# becomes C when flatted). Hope that is helpful.. Same pattern applys to other notes for creating major and minor pentatonic scales.

Styles of music that use the pentatonic scale?

Okay, either this is a very deep question, or the inquirer is a little confused about what is meant by the term "mode". If the latter, the quick answer is that the "seven modes of music" aren't typically thought of as having pentatonic scales associated with them. Quite the opposite. It's the pentatonic scales that will have the modes! Unfortunately, your question is a bit nonsensical. But I still think it's a good question because it highlights the confusion that people have when they're learning about modes. What are those damn things? First off, the "seven modes of music". I can only assume you're referring to the seven modes of the major scale: ionian, dorian, phrygian, lydian, mixolydian, aeolian, and locrian. Yes? Well, there are actually many many more modes in music than seven! Every type of scale you can think of (major, minor, harmonic minor, harmonic major, pentatonic scales) will all have modes associated with 'em. Now, modes are very confusing when you first run across the idea. And I think it's because people actually want the answer to be more complicated than it really is. Modes are simply a matter of perspective, they describe different ways of looking at the same thing -- different ways of looking at the same scale. Take the major scale, for example. It's scale tones are 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7 (do, re, mi, fa, so, la ti). The intervals between these tones follow the pattern: w,w,h,w,w,w,h (w=whole step, h= half step). So for the key of C, you set C to be the 1 tone (the root note) and you build the C major scale by following the interval pattern above to give: C, D, E, F, G, A, B, C. This is a mode! This is the ionian mode of the C major scale. The "C major scale" and "C Ionian" refer to the exact same notes! But what about the other modes? If you take those same notes (C, D, E, F, G, A, B, C) and you just change the root note to the next highest tone -- that would be D -- then you have the D dorian mode. Here's D dorian: D, E, F, G, A, B, C, D. These are exactly the same notes as the C major scale, and the C ionian mode, the only difference is that the first note is shifted. To find the next highest mode (phrygian) you shift the letters again to: E, F, G, A, B, C, D, E. This is "E Phrygian". This same procedure is just repeated to find the remaining four modes. And now you should be thinking, "My god, that's so stupid. The notes are the same for every mode! What evil person decided to give the same exact scale seven different names?!" Well, you should direct your anger at the ancient Greeks. But they had a reason. Here it is: the difference is in the interval patterns. The interval pattern for the ionian mode goes: w,w,h,w,w,w,h. As stated before, this corresponds to the tone qualities: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 1. Now the interval pattern for the dorian mode is: w,h,w,w,w,h,w. And here are its tone qualties: 1, 2, b3, 4, 5, 6, b7, 1. So just by shifting the root note within the same scale, all of the tone qualities are shifted despite the fact that all of the actual "lettered" notes remain the same. This subtle difference has important ramifications for musical harmony. Unfortunately, these ramifications are too manifold for me to describe here, but I'll give you one example: If you were to play C ionian and D dorian by themselves, they would be indistinguishable -- they consist of exactly the same notes. Context is the name of the game! Go to your piano and play a C major chord with your left hand. Then run though the C ionian mode with your right hand (just play the white keys). Should sound quite major-y, happy. Now change your left hand to a D minor chord. And continue with the same notes in your right hand. You should notice that your major-y feeling is gone. You're playing exactly the same notes in your right hand, but the feeling is completely changed to a minor-y sound that can only be described as "dorian"! D dorian is NOT the same as D minor, their tone qualities differ by just one tone. But that makes all the difference. A classic example of the dorian scale in action is Miles Davis' "So What". All of the improvisation is done in the Dorian mode. The song form is AABA, where D dorian is used for the A sections, and there's just a key shift to Eb dorian for the B sections. On to pentatonic scales: In a global sense, a pentatonic scale is any scale that contains only five notes (hence the "penta-"). You could literally pick any five tones you like and call it a pentatonic scale. And you can now easily imagine that there are many 5 tone scales. But most musicians, when referring to "pentatonic scales", are talking about either the "minor pentatonic" or "major pentatonic" scales. The reason is simple: these two scales are the most commonly used pentatonic scales for blues, jazz, pop, etc. To construct the major pentatonic scale you simply remove the 4th and 7th scale degrees from the major scale. This gives: 1, 2, 3, 5, and 6 (only five tones). And just as the major scale has a mode for every scale degree, the major pentatonic does too. That makes five distinct modes for the major pentatonic scale. The minor pentatonic has the scale degrees: 1, b3, 4, 5, b7. It turns out that the minor pentatonic can be nicely derived from the major pentatonic, and vice versa. The minor pentatonic is the sixth mode of the major pentatonic scale! Alternatively, the major pentatonic is the second mode of the minor pentatonic scale. I'll let you work that one out for yourself. So hopefully you can see that modes are just a matter of perspective. Modes and scales are one and the same. And the importance of modes is in harmony. They tell you which chords will work with which scale. Or vice versa. Eventually you realize that chords and scales/modes are really the same thing, played differently.