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The sun is by far the closest star to earth. All other twinkling bodies being incredible far away, the suns light drowns them out during the day time. At night, when the sun is shining on the other side of the planet, the earth casts a shadow into space. The resulting darkness makes it possible to see other, farther stars. Certain extremely bright stars actually can be seen during daylight hours, if you can find them. These include Antares, Arcturus, Sirius, Capella and Vega. Telescopes make it possible to see dimmer stars as well, but not with the naked eye. Also, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn can be seen through a telescope during the day. Venus and Jupiter can be seen without aid if you know exactly where to look, and they are not in close proximity to the sun.

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14y ago
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11y ago

Answer: their are clouds

Answer: If the Moon is below the horizon, it won't be visible. In the case of a full moon, this happens mainly during the day.

Answer: the Full Moon is opposite the Sun, therefore it rises at sunset and sets at sunrise. When the Sun is up, the Full Moon is beneath the horizon.

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13y ago

Tonight, at midnight, you're in the middle of the night side of the earth. The sun

is behind you, the earth is between you and the sun, and it's dark. You look up

in the sky and you see some stars and constellations.

Six months from today, the earth has carried you halfway around its orbit, and

you're on the other side of the sun. "Night" faces in the opposite direction. Where

are those same stars now ? They're straight in the direction of the sun! "Night"

faces in the opposite direction now. And now, when you go out and look at the

midnight sky, you're looking in completely the opposite direction from where you

were looking six months ago. No wonder you're seeing different stars!

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13y ago

The only reason why stars would not be visible at night are because of weather and obscures the sky, or you are inside. In urban areas, the light pollution is sometimes severe enough to obscure all except the brightest stars.

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15y ago

its only the stars that are close to the moon that are usually not seen because of the suns light reflects on the moon but the out of that light you should be able to see.

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11y ago

You can see the moon during the day, it is just harder because the background sky is brighter. You cannot see the stars because the background is brighter than they are.

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11y ago

Because the sunlight is too bright, the weak light from the stars cannot compete with the bright light of the nearest star, our Sun.

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13y ago

it's because of the light

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