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Sneexing can be caused by many tghings, including a cold or an allergy. My grandfather once sneezed 40 times without stopping because he looked at the Sun.

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You're getting rid of bacteria it's a good sign.

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Q: Why do you sneeze when you have a cold or hay fever?
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Can you die from hay fever?

No, because hay fever is just another cold but from allergies.

What can affect your sense of smell?

Hay fever, a cold, alcohol,

What microbe causes hay fever?

Hay fever triggers include grass, flower pollens, animal fur, dust mite, chemical fumes, microorganisms or some foods. Hay fever is a common condition that shows signs and symptoms similar to a cold.

Does hay fever necessarily mean the fever contains hay?

No, but it can be caused by hay.

Does Aston Merrygold have hay fever?

He does have hay fever, but it isn't that bad.

What is the correct spelling of hay fever?

The correct spelling is hay fever

How is hay fever diagnosed?

When symptoms always appear during a particular season and disappear with the onset of cold weather, hay fever is almost certainly the culprit. For a more definitive diagnosis, a skin prick test is used

Feel like have fever but no fever?

Hay fever

Did John Wayne have hay fever?

There is no evidence that John Wayne suffered from hay fever.

Can you take a paracetamol for hay fever?

No. Hay fever isn't a disease, and it usually won't cause a fever - so paracetamol won't help. hay fever is an allergy, and what helps with allergies are antihistamines.

Are golden retrievers bad for allergies?

They can sometimes irritate your sinuses if you have hay fever or other environmental allergies because of their shedding. They can sometimes get allergies with can make them sneeze or get a lot of dandruff or other things.

What are the causes of Hay Fever?

Allergies from hay fever can have a number of different environmental causes. Hay fever can result as an allergic reaction to tree pollen, grass pollen, spores, fungi, and mold.