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Although not identical, the sheep brain holds many biological similarities to the human brain, much more so than a bird's or fish's, as both are mammals. Since it is considered much more humane to not use an actual human brain for study, brains from preserved sheep are examined by students to draw the composition of the brain and obtain physical experience.

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Q: Why do you study sheep brains in a human anatomy class?
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What brain is similar to a sheeps brain?

Human Brains are similair in structure to a sheeps brain, sheep have larger olfactory bulbs though, sheeps brains are also not a large as humans.

Sheep brain compared to human brain?

A human brain is larger overall, sheep brains have larger olfactory bulbs though, they also have an area on the sides, around where the temporal lobe is where their eyes go, this causes an indentation humans don't have.

What is the name for sheep brains as a food?


How much does a sheep brain weigh?

the average dog has at least one billion if humans have 3 trillion

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How do the gyri and sulci of the sheep brain compare to that of the human brain?

The gyri is a large octopus tentacle that sneezes when the lollipops are attached to the opposite side of the triangular surface of a pancake and the sulci is a turkey times the number of y chromosomes in a head of lettuce.

Sheep brain vs human brain?

The human brain is larger. The positioning of the hind brain is different, due to the erect position of humans. Convolutions are increased in humans (increases surface area). The sheep's brain has a smaller cerebellum (lesser motor control/less complex learned motor behaviors). There is a larger pineal gland in sheep (related to circadian rhythms/seasonal reproduction).

Where can you find a diagram of a sheep's digestive system?

On-line or in a textbook on Sheep anatomy at your local library

Are sheeps brains the size of peas?

No not quite a sheep brain is only a bit smaller than a human brain maybe 1 1/2 fists roughly.

Who does the sheep represent in Animal Farm?

Both the horses and sheep represent in many ways the proletariat, or working class of unskilled laborers. These animals depend on their backs, not their brains, to do work. Thus, they fall into the bottom of society and are the focal point of politicians' brainwashing.

What class sheep belong in?

Sheep belong to the Animalia kingdom, the chordata phylum, and the Mammalia class. Sheep are considered domesticated animals and are kept as livestock.