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they get taught incorrectly the first time around

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Q: Why do you suppose subnetting is so hard for most people to understand?
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it will be hard to understand for these people

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they are not from dominica so that is when they come to another country they will not understand what the people are doing

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It depends how you think about it. You vould be skinny, but jiggly. And you can be fat, but have a hard stomach. If you're attracted to fat people, I suppose you can say that jiggly is good. If you're attracted to skinny people, then I'm guessing that you like rock hard abs :)

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It can depend on the slang used and the person's familiarity with the language. Some slang terms may be widely known internationally due to media and pop culture, while others may be more specific to certain regions or communities. Overall, slang can pose a challenge for those not familiar with the language or culture, but exposure and practice can help in understanding it better.