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Do you mean why was he responsible for their disappearance?

The lost princes disappeared almost immediately after Richard took the throne and it is unknown whether they were killed before or after he left the tower to go on progress following his Coronation. While many theories abound as to who killed the princes, there is no concrete answer. Their bodies have never been verified and no one, to this day, knows what really happened.

It is, however, likely that, if he did not order them to be killed himself, Richard probably played a part in their disappearance. Having just taken the throne on rather shaky grounds, and having declared his nephews bastards and therefore not in line for the thrown, he would have wanted to solidify his position as much as possible. Though declaring them bastards had justified him taking the thrown for himself, there would have been nothing to stop the people from rallying behind young Prince Edward as he grew older, particularly if they found Richard to be, in any way, an inferior king. Not only would killing his nephews have ensured Richard's claim to the throne, it would have prevented the people from claiming the princes as their figureheads in later rebellions.

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Q: Why do you think King Richard III was responsible for his nephews?
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